

Mon Feb 10 2025

Play on original console, a popular choice

If you are on this blog, it is very likely that you are a Recalbox user. Many of us want to remember our childhood memories and share them with friends and family.

Emulation has never been more accessible than today. Nevertheless, some players continue to play on the original consoles, and we understand them (we are part of it). Our old machines have a design rooted in pop culture, and nothing replaces their original sounds, controllers and sensations.

A poll published in the United States on February 8 (and therefore only relevant to that country) highlights the players' attachment to the original material. Conducted in May 2024 on a panel of 2,022 adult North American residents, this survey provides some interesting and rare enough numbers to be shared.

Let’s get to the point: of these 2,022 people, 14% used an original retro console at home in 2023 (year 2000 being the limit for retrogaming for this survey).

It is important to put this figure in perspective: these are consoles that are more than 25 years old (at best), no longer on the market, difficult to repair and sometimes requiring specific screens (CRT).

We should also note that many retro games are accessible via the online shops of different manufacturers (classics stores), or through emulation, which avoids clutter and multiplication of cables. So you might think that comfort is more important than authenticity. Yet it seems – and we hope so – that our good old consoles still have some guardian angels.

Some Recalbox users are also included. On our dedicated Discord channel real-hardware, many of you share your treasures or ask for help with the restoration of old consoles and even ordinosaures.

If you are wondering if you are a one-off by watching your VHS tapes or using other systems from another time, you can visit the survey page to be reassured.

Source: Time Extension


Mon Feb 10 2025

A remake of Final Fantasy IX expected for 2026?

Square Enix has done a tremendous job on the remake of Final Fantasy VII. Composed of three parts, this project has so far convinced fans with its first two parts.

Graphics, gameplay, storyline development: this is a true remake that assumes its heritage while offering many new features. However, he can be blamed for his episodic pattern, forcing players to go through the checkout three times to wrap up the story of Cloud and his companions. However, the enthusiastic reception of the specialized press and players relegates this disadvantage to a secondary level.

Another Final Fantasy has a special place in the hearts of fans: Final Fantasy IX. Taking a character design close to that of FFVII, it marked a return to the heroic fantasy, thus reconnecting with the first inspirations of the saga. With its deep storyline, mature themes and characters as varied as endearing, it remains an essential opus.

For a few months, persistent rumors have been circulating on the web. Although they should be taken with care, they come from generally reliable leakers.

This is a tweet from NatetheHate2 who recently put Final Fantasy IX back in the spotlight. When asked by a follower about possible news of the game, he replied:

"Both [FF9 and FF Tactics] are still in active development. FFIX is not expected to be released in 2025. Maybe we’ll see him out in 2026."

The project seems to be underway, although Square Enix has not yet made it official. According to previous rumors, the development was initially entrusted to an external studio, but, considered unsatisfactory, it was taken internally by Square Enix and is now at an advanced stage.

Finally, unlike the remake of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX would not receive the same prestige treatment, perhaps due to a smaller fanbase. The game would remain more faithful to the original game, released in 2000 on PlayStation 1.

All this is of course still to be taken lightly, but these leaks are beginning to gain credibility with many media. If a release in 2026 is really planned, an official release by Square Enix this year seems quite plausible.

Source: Retro News

Final Fantasy IX

Sun Feb 09 2025

Tuto: Play online on Recalbox with Netplay

Just a few years ago, it was hard to imagine playing our childhood games online. Multiplayer was limited to sofa evenings with several controllers and split screens, or even, a little later, to LAN games on PC.

Let's face it, it's hard to recapture that feeling today, so much so that we often raise the positive point when a modern game offers split-screen... Fortunately, there's now a way to network play your childhood games with your friends on Recalbox: Netplay! 🚀 Here's how to take advantage of it.

🛠️ Prerequisites

✔️ Have Recalbox up to date (9.2.3 at the time of writing).

✔️ Connect your Recalbox to the network, preferably RJ45 📶 (Wi-Fi can be unstable).

✔️ Have the same ROMs as your friends to ensure compatibility.

⚠️ Points of attention before you get started

Not all systems are compatible with Netplay ❌. Don't worry if you want to score with several people on arcade, MAME and FBNeo are compatible. Other consoles are of course compatible such as Mega Drive, NES, Super NES and many others that we are trying to update as we go along.

We invite you to watch 🎥 Fabrice's video (from 1 min 40) for more details and to join us on the Netplay channel of our Discord 💬 for the full list of compatible systems (and to find gaming partners!).

⚙️ Set up Netplay

1️⃣ Go to Game Options > Netplay Options.

2️⃣ Activate Netplay, enter your nickname and note down the port number, which you can use later.

3️⃣ Leave the Netplay Relay Server set to "None" (only useful on certain public networks).

4️⃣ Set a password to privatise your parts.

5️⃣ Activate "Hash ROMs" to guarantee compatibility with your friends.

🎲 Host a game

1️⃣ Choose your game and launch it by pressing Y (triangle on PS1) instead of A (X on PS1).

2️⃣ A pop-up will appear to set up password protection.

3️⃣ Click on Start to launch the game!

🎮 Join a game

1️⃣ Stay on the system selection screen and press Y (triangle on PS1).

2️⃣ A list of games in progress will appear: 📌

On the left: the games concerned.

👤 On the right: the host nickname + other useful info (compatibility, core used, etc.).

3️⃣ Select the game and choose whether to join as a player or spectator.

4️⃣ Enter the password provided by the host and... off you go! 🚀 ---

⚡ Maximise compatibility and reduce latency

To improve the stability of your connection, you can open the ports on your box.

1️⃣ Connect to the administrator interface of your box (specific addresses of operators at the bottom of the article under the video).

2️⃣ Add the port number indicated in the Netplay menu.

3️⃣ Result: improved compatibility and reduced latency.

📺 A detailed demonstration is available from 10 minutes in the video below, with an example on the BBox. As each box has its own settings, you can easily find tutorials on the Internet.

🏠 Netplay locally

If you have two Recalboxes connected to the same network and want to play Netplay together, you'll need:

🔧 Change the port number on one of the two Recalboxes.

📡 Add this port in the administrator interface of your Internet box.

✅ This will prevent conflicts between the two Recalboxes and ensure a stable connection!

🎉 Ready to play!

Now you're ready for your online adventure!

🎮 Whether you are using HDMI, RGB Dual or RGB JAMMA on an arcade terminal 🕹️, these different pieces of hardware do not interfere with Netplay.

💡 The main thing is to have the same ROMs (hashed), the same core and the same version of Recalbox.

📺 Below, find Fabrice's video 🎥 on which this tutorial is based.

📢 Need help? Join us on Discord 💬 !

More details on our Wiki


▪️ Orange - Livebox 4/5/6/7 : http://livebox/ Adresse IP : Identifiant : admin Mot de passe : 8 premiers caractères de la clé WiFi

▪️ Orange - Livebox Play : http://livebox/ Adresse IP : Identifiant : admin Mot de passe : A définir lors de la 1ère connexion

▪️ Free - Freebox (tous les modèles) : Adresse IP : n/a Identifiant : n/a Mot de passe : A définir lors de la 1ère connexion

▪️ SFR - NB4 / NB6 / Box Plus : n/a Adresse IP : Identifiant : admin Mot de passe : clé de sécurité WiFi

▪️ SFR - Box THD (câble) : http://monmodem Adresse IP : Identifiant : admin Mot de passe : Mot de passe indiqué sur l’étiquette sous la box

▪️ Bouygues Telecom Bbox (modem blanc) : Adresse IP : Identifiant : n/a Mot de passe : A définir lors de la 1ère connexion

▪️ Bouygues Telecom Ancienne Bbox : Adresse IP : Identifiant : admin Mot de passe : admin (par défaut)


Thu Feb 06 2025

ZPF: Detailed heroes and a postponement to May

Mega Cat Studios recently shared an update on their highly anticipated shoot’em up ZPF scheduled for Mega Drive / Genesis, and which we already told you about a few weeks ago. On this occasion, a new trailer (which you will find at the bottom of the article) focused on the game’s story was unveiled, along with an important announcement: the release date for Kickstarter and pre-orders rewards is postponed from Q1 2025 to May.

A dive into the world of ZPF

The new trailer is narrated by a mysterious character named Quigely who introduces the three playable heroes and the game’s three distinct worlds. Each character has its own story and is presented in a beautiful pencil style:

  • Knight is an ancient armor forged by forgotten gods, now piloted by a magician of great talent.
  • Gold is a cyborg who takes on dangerous missions for the authorities of a futuristic city.
  • Gladius is a ship piloted by one of the last survivors of a space colony decimated by an alien invasion, seeking revenge against these mutant abominations.

Fate brings the three protagonists together through a series of time-lapses that push them to face an unknown evil force.

Development almost completed, but inevitable delay

According to the developers, ZPF is almost finished and the team is now focusing on final adjustments. However, unexpected "delays from suppliers during the holiday season" forced Mega Cat Studios to postpone release. This additional time will allow to refine the game by performing extensive tests to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

Kickstarter success

ZPF made a splash in its fundraising campaign on July 2024, reaching more than 1000% of its original target. This success is a testament to the enthusiasm of players for this project that combines frenetic action, impressive boss battles and a survitaminated soundtrack.

With this slight delay, fans of shoot’em up retro will have to wait a little longer before they can get their hands on this promising title. Meanwhile, the new trailer provides a foretaste of the epic adventure ahead.


Wed Feb 05 2025

Tariffs: a major blow for retrogaming in the United States

You couldn't miss the election of the new President of the United States, Donald Trump. The 47th President of the United States is not one to mince his words. The proof is in the forthcoming imposition of customs duties, particularly on imports from Canada, Mexico and China.

These tariffs are of particular concern to the retrogaming community in the United States, for one simple reason: almost all retro hardware comes from China. The YouTube channel Retro Game Corps, which lists many handheld consoles, looked into the matter:

*"I'm seeing a lot of questions about US tariffs on handheld consoles, especially since the de minimis exception (which previously allowed 25% tariffs to not apply to handheld consoles) has been suspended. To

give a concrete example, this would mean seeing the Anbernic RG353M Recalbox compatible console in France rise from €159.90 to around €214, which considerably reduces its appeal.


Mike Chi, the creator of RetroTink, is also concerned about the speed at which these new duties will be applied:

"New trade regulations are a source of uncertainty, especially as importers have little time to adapt. We strive to maintain the same experience for our domestic customers, but if this situation persists, US shipments could see their prices rise due to tariffs and compliance costs."

"Small businesses may face the greatest challenges in adapting to complex and often changing regulations, due to limited resources."

"The biggest concern at the moment is how sea and air shipments will be affected by the 4 February implementation date."

Other well-known names in the US retrogaming community, such as HD Retrovision (renowned supplier of quality AV cables) or modder Voultar, point out that new stock will be immediately impacted:

"I had hoped to stock up by the end of January, but I think all the inventory (including DIY edge enhancers) will be restocked in February. The new tariff has changed everything."

"Please support small businesses! It's"

important to note that the retrogaming community is largely made up of small businesses run by enthusiasts. These businesses, often financially fragile and operating in a niche with little room for manoeuvre, are likely to suffer from these new provisions.

Source: Time Extension


Wed Feb 05 2025

8BitDo finally adapts its keyboards for the European market

We regularly feature 8BitDo accessories, a manufacturer renowned for its high-quality, aesthetically pleasing controllers that are compatible with Recalbox.

These accessories also include keyboards. A few weeks ago, we brought you editions paying tribute to the Sega Saturn and the Xbox to mark the anniversaries of these consoles.

Until now, the entire range of 8BitDo keyboards has only been available with a layout US, in other words "QWERTY " keyboards. This situation is changing with the arrival of two models for the European market.

The C64, in the colours of the Commodore 64, will be available in a "British UK Layout " version, while the "N Edition ", in the colours of the NES, will be available in AZERTY for France, Germany, Spain and the Nordic countries.

Apart from this adaptation of the layout, no other changes are planned. There are still 87 keys, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and USB connectivity, and two programmable “super buttons”. The technical specifications remain exactly the same as those of the versions released a few months ago.

Initial tests of the US versions have praised the quality of the 8BitDo keyboards, highlighting their materials, their solid colours and their resolutely retro design, faithful to the mechanical models of yesteryear.

These European versions will be distributed by Game Outlet Europe, a company specialising in video games and accessories.

8BitDo began shipping the retro mechanical keyboard in Europe in 2023 with great success," said David Karlsson, CEO of Game Outlet Europe, in a statement carried by Time Extension. "The demand for European-style layouts has been strong, and we are now delighted to launch a mechanical keyboard for our European customers, tailored to their region and offering both incredible functionality and unique retro style."

The "N Edition" AZERTY keyboard is already available on Amazon. Fingers crossed that other models will be adapted in the future


Mon Feb 03 2025

Recalbox Challenge: Who will sign the highest score on Gunbird 2?

As every fortnight, you can participate in a new challenge proposed on the Discord of Recalbox. This challenge is open to everyone. The principle is simple: try to achieve the highest score on a game drawn by lot, often from the arcade catalog.

🚀 For this second 2025 challenge, the game selected is Gunbird 2

Released in 1998 on arcade, it is the sequel to Gunbird, released in 1994. Shoot 'em up vertical scrolling developed by Psikyo, Gunbird 2 offers six “hunters” each with their own gameplay. The game offers a colourful universe with steampunk/piracy sauce.

The game has a cute and colorful art direction, as well as very inventive bosses that have impressed minds with their difficulty. It was later ported to the Dreamcast and PlayStation.

🏆The rules of the challenge

At the controls of one of the six protagonists, your objective will be to achieve the highest score in a single credit.

Each character has its own abilities, thus allowing multiple attempts to find the right shoe for you. Like any shoot 'em up that respects itself, you will benefit from a main shot, a charged shot, bombs and a special melee hit, devastating but very risky.

💡 Some tips to shine:

  • 🎯 Destroy with precision, aim at the source of enemy fire.
  • ⚔️ The attack to the melee will be paramount.
  • 🎮 Strategically dismantle each part of the bosses.
  • 🔄 Persevere and “learn” the boards, the game is very difficult.

📢 How do I participate?

  1. 🎮 Launch the game. (rom "gunbird2")
  2. 🏹 Play and try to beat the high score.
  3. 📸 Take a screenshot or photo of your final score.
  4. 📤 Share your score on the Discord channel #challenges or use the command /submit score leaderboard on that same channel.

⚖️Rules to follow

To ensure fairness in the challenge:

  • The score must be achieved in a single credit, without save state, rewind, cheats or auto-fire (unless provided for in the game).

🎁 Rewards and fair play

The challenge is mainly to discover games, share tips and, of course, have fun, all in a spirit of competition always welcome!

The winner will win a game key (GOG, Steam, etc.) to choose from a list of over 80 titles. Note that if you have won a challenge in the last three months, the prize will go to the next 🥇🥈🥉.

Good luck to all, and may the best score win! 🎮 🔥


Mon Feb 03 2025

New discounts with our new partners for Patrons

As you probably already know, your support via Patreon entitles you, among other things, to discount codes on certain online shops. Three new partners are joining us and two are returning, so here's an update:

Four new shops, and not the least, are joining us!

  • Tenzen Arcade: The new player in the retrogaming community. Tenzen Arcade will unearth original arcade terminals for you. With a stock displayed in real time and the possibility of placing an order if you want a specific model, any purchase of a Japanese candy cab, such as (New) Astro City, (New) Net City, Blast City, Aero City etc... (excluding NUC) from Tenzen Arcade entitles you to a free Recalbox RGB JAMMA + Pi5 kit.

  • SmallCab: The essential site for components for your arcade cabinet, with more than 2000 references on offer. Created in 2008, it is now a leading site for DIY kiosks. Take advantage of an 8% discount on your basket.

  • Neofid: The French studio behind DaemonClaw, Demons of Asteborg and Astebros is offering a 15% discount on its shop. You'll find physical cartridges for Mega Drive, Neo Geo and Game Boy Advance, as well as dematerialised ROMs for their games.

  • Kubii: Do we still need to introduce the official Raspberry supplier in France? The store offers the entire range marketed by the Raspberry Foundation, and much more besides: Retroflag cases, 8BitDo controllers and sticks, arcade hardware, and even Recalbox goodies and clothing! Take advantage of a 5% discount on purchases of €50 or more.

Two partners are back!

  • L'Écureuil Noir : We're back with €10 off, discover a wide range of books dedicated to video games and the Pop Culture that marked our childhood.

  • Red Art Games: Back with a 10% discount, this publisher offers a wide range of neo-retro physical games for Switch, PlayStation and Xbox. The titles selected are of consistently high quality, and are often featured on Fabrice's live shows.

Two partners are always on hand.

  • Killer Laser: Take advantage of a 10% discount on laser-cut and laser-engraved decorations designed to enhance your gaming room.

  • Flex Arcade: These French designers of retro metal arcade machines offer customisable models with premium finishes, designed to last a lifetime. A €150 discount is offered on their creations.

Benefits on Recalbox hardwares.

Finally, don't forget that your support also entitles you to a 10% discount on our shop, which offers the RGB Dual and the RGB JAMMA. These plug-and-play solutions are ideal for bringing your CRT screens and JAMMA kiosks back to life. And who knows, maybe some new hardwares will join this catalogue soon..

To take advantage of these discounts, you'll find your ‘promo codes ’ in your Patron area.

For those who don't know, Patreon allows you to financially support a project (such as Recalbox). This support is optional, and there are several formulas available to suit everyone's possibilities, with no obligation.

Because your support is essential to us, we owe these ‘Patrons ’ benefits to you. Other exclusive benefits reward your support: priority scraping, exclusive music and wallpapers, dedicated channels on Discord... All this is a way of saying thank you. Thank you for supporting the project, thank you for pushing us to go further, and thank you for making Recalbox what it is today.

I'd also like to say a final word of thanks to our partners, for their trust and generosity, and for proving that Retrogaming is above all about community.


Sun Feb 02 2025

Arcade terminals: pitfalls to avoid before embarking on your adventure

Many people want to restore an arcade cabinet or create one from scratch in the neo-borne style. We thought it was important to take a look at how this project works and to highlight the mistakes to avoid before getting started.

First of all, know that the aim is not to discourage you. In 2018, I created a bartop myself, and I can assure you that, in terms of DIY, hardware and software, I was far from an expert.

However, it's essential to be aware of a few things before taking the plunge, so as not to spend money unnecessarily, waste time, and above all, avoid getting discouraged.

This post is being written at a time when, on our Discord #support channel, we're seeing a lot of people getting stuck at various stages of their project. But these obstacles could have been avoided. Amos, our beta tester and support, reminded us of these crucial points, which we'll expand on here.

1️⃣ Learn about the arcade

The arcade is a fascinating world 🕹️: its history, its machines and the iconic games it has spawned. Take the time to find out more. Explore Facebook groups, check out forums, join our Discord, watch videos, but above all, never rely on just one source. You run the risk of encountering untruths or sincere opinions, but limited by a single point of view.

This research will also familiarise you with the vocabulary and codes of the arcade, which will naturally point you in one of two directions: restoring an original terminal or creating a terminal from scratch. The path will be quite different.

Personally, I find it much easier to create a bollard from scratch. You'll have full control over your components and know your “baby” inside out. What's more, it's much easier to find the components you need.

Restoring a vintage 🛠️ bollard (like the Aero City, Astro City, Naomi... models) requires more knowledge of the hardware and a bit more DIY.

🎛️ The RGB JAMMA solution with Recalbox

If you have a JAMMA bollard, Recalbox offers a Plug and Play solution: the RGB JAMMA. This kit is compatible with JAMMA, JAMMA+ and CHAMMA terminals.

The JAMMA system, which first appeared in the 80s, standardised the connection of signals, making it easier to change games on the same machine. This was a major advance at the time, because previously each terminal corresponded to a single game.

2️⃣ Restoring an arcade cabinet: the key steps

If you're embarking on the restoration of a vintage cabinet, here are a few essential steps:

🔍 Find and inspect the cabinet

✔️ Check the dimensions: some cabinets are bulky and heavy. Make sure you have enough room and a way to transport it safely.
✔️ Inspect the general condition: damaged wood, screen out of order, faulty wiring, etc. Make sure that not too many parts are missing, especially if it's a rare model.

🛠️ Test and repair

✔️ Electronics: test the power supply, check the motherboard (PCB) and change the capacitors if necessary.
✔️ Display: the original terminals are fitted with CRT screens, so check that the screen is not marked (burns due to static images). If the screen is too damaged, you can replace it or try to adapt an LCD screen.
✔️ Buttons and joystick: if these elements are worn or defective, complete kits are available to replace them (more on this below).

For greater peace of mind, you can also call on professionals to find you the terminal you want. Some of them have stocks, including Tenzen Arcade, a French company with whom we have a partnership if you support Recalbox via Patreon.

3️⃣ Creating a "Neo-Borne" bollard: from A to Z

If you prefer to create a "Neo-Borne " bollard (a made-to-measure bollard), you have several choices:

🔹 If you're a DIYer 🏗️: you can create the structure from scratch, usually in wood, then integrate the electronics, screen, buttons, etc.
🔹 If you're not a DIY enthusiast 🛒: several sites offer assembly kits, often in the form of wooden structures to be assembled.

⚠️ Be careful with ready-made models sold online, which often lack transparency regarding hardware and software.

Here too we can recommend one of our partners, Flex Arcade (pictured). With a metal chassis and quality components (Sanwa, Seimitsu), these terminals are destined to last and embellish your living room with their neo-retro style. If you're a 'Patron', you'll get a €150 discount on their creations.

4️⃣ Pay attention to the quality of materials and equipment

An arcade terminal project does not rhyme with saving money 💰. If you try to compromise, the final quality may suffer.

✔️ Structure: choose solid wood that can bear the weight. Don't overlook the quality of the panel, which houses the buttons and joysticks 🎮.
✔️ Hardware: avoid no-name products and go for recognised brands such as Xinmotek, Brook, PS360+ for encoders, and Sanwa, Seimitsu for joysticks and buttons.

SmallCab offers more than 2,000 references to supply you with components, buttons, joysticks, etc. If you are a Patron, you will receive an 8% discount on your basket.

5️⃣ Anticipate your choices before you start

It's essential to think your project through before buying materials and starting your project. It's much easier to change your mind before the work begins than to have to adapt during the project... which is sometimes impossible.

6️⃣ And what about Recalbox?

A quick reminder 📢 : Recalbox is open source software, designed to facilitate emulation. We are not hardware resellers (Kubii, 8BitDo, Xinmotek), but we do recommend certain brands.

Recalbox can help you with :
The RGB JAMMA and RGB Dual to simplify hardware

Software updates and support available on our Discord

📢 Before you buy, ask us! Ask us your questions and describe your problems precisely (example: "I'm on Raspberry Pi X, RGB JAMMA, Recalbox 9.2.3, and here's what's happening... ").

7️⃣ All in One project

We are currently developing the All in One, a hardware dedicated to arcade terminals that will clip onto a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5. This plug-and-play system will manage power, buttons (up to 8 per player), joysticks and amplified stereo sound....

📅 Expected release in 2025 😉

8️⃣ Recalbox resources 📖

To find out more, check out our wiki:

📌 The arcade: explains how arcade emulation works

📌 The Arcade in Recalbox : technical details on MAME, ROMSETS (Split, Merged, Non-Merged), BIOS, CHD...

If these terms seem complex to you, you should know that it's important to understand them to optimise your installation.

🎮 A word of personal advice: You'll soon want to load your terminal with dozens and dozens of systems with hundreds or even thousands of games, which isn't necessarily very useful, and as you can guess, arcade emulation isn't "turnkey", so many systems can mean so many software complications. **For my part, I only use FBNeo (10,000 compatible games), and that's more than enough for me!

Borne Arcade

Sun Feb 02 2025

Tuto: Migrating your Recalbox from a Raspberry Pi4 to a Pi5

With the release of the Raspberry Pi 5 a few months ago, many people are looking to upgrade from the Pi 3 or 4 to the Pi 5. We can only recommend this upgrade: the Pi 5 offers greater comfort in the Recalbox menus and improved performance on demanding games (certain “Cave” arcade games, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, etc.). What's more, with the arrival of version 10, new systems will require the Pi 5 to work properly.

However, there is one major obstacle preventing some users from taking the plunge: the fear of losing their data (games, backups, BIOS). This tutorial explains how to migrate safely. It's taken directly from Fabrice's video, which you'll find at the bottom of the article.

We assume that all your data (Recalbox, games, etc.) is stored on a microSD card before this migration.

📌 Step 1: Check Recalbox is up to date

Go to Main Menu > Update and make sure you have the latest version.

📅 At the time of writing, the required version is 9.2.3.

📌 Step 2: Back up your games, saves and BIOS

We're going to create a backup:

1️⃣ Switch off your Recalbox and remove the microSD card.

2️⃣ Connect it to a PC. Two partitions should appear: "RECALBOX" and "SHARE".

If either is missing, right-click on "Start", then open "Disk Management". Add a letter to the invisible partition, it will be displayed immediately.

3️⃣ In the "SHARE" partition, copy the ROMS / SAVE / BIOS folders and paste them into a "backup" folder on your desktop.

🛑 To avoid any compatibility problems, limit yourself to these three folders.

📌 Step 3: Download and install Recalbox on the Pi 5

Use Raspberry Pi Imager:

1️⃣ Select Raspberry Pi 5 as the model.
2️⃣ Choose Recalbox in the "Emulation and game OS " tab.
3️⃣ Select your microSD card as the storage device and start writing.

💡 Important advice :

  • Use a microSD U3 for best performance (optimal read/write).
  • Choose recognised brands** (SanDisk is a good choice).
  • A 32GB card is more than enough**, your games will be stored elsewhere.
  • This operation will erase all the data** already on the card.
  • Once writing is complete, remove the microSD from your PC.

📌 Step 4: Install and configure Recalbox

1️⃣ Insert the microSD card into the Pi 5 switched off, then turn it on.
2️⃣ Let Recalbox install and configure your settings (language, display...).

📺 If you want more details on the settings, go to Fabrice's video from 9 minutes onwards.

3️⃣ Systematically configure your controller, even if it seems to be detected correctly.

4️⃣ Update the bootloader (in the advanced settings).

5️⃣ Restart Recalbox to save settings.

📌 Step 5: Prepare your external media to store your games

To avoid losing your games in the event of a problem with the microSD, we always recommend using external media (USB key, hard drive...).

1️⃣ Format your media to exFAT, even if it's brand new.
2️⃣ Connect your Recalbox on.
3️⃣ A message appears: Select "Initialise " (not "Move SHARE"!).
4️⃣ Once the operation is complete, unplug your external media and plug it into your PC.
5️⃣ Go to the folder Recalbox > roms and paste your ROMS folder saved in "backup " into it.

💡 Windows will ask you if you want to replace or keep the duplicate files: keep them.

📌 Step 6: Restore your Recalbox and BIOS

1️⃣ Power down your Recalbox and remove the microSD.
2️⃣ Connect it to your PC and open the "SHARE " folder.
3️⃣ Copy the BIOS and SAVE folders from your backup (on your PC) and paste them into "SHARE " (on your microSD).

4️⃣ When Windows asks to replace or keep files, keep them.

💡 If you don't want to use external media, you can ignore step 5 and copy your ROMS directly into "SHARE " on the microSD along with your saves and BIOS.

📌 Step 7: Finalise

1️⃣ Insert the microSD into the Recalbox.
2️⃣ Turn it on, then plug in your external media.
3️⃣ A message is displayed to re-launch the interface: Accept.
4️⃣ Check that everything is recognised (scrapped games, saves, BIOS).

🎉 Your migration is complete! You can now enjoy your Raspberry Pi 5 with Recalbox.

🚨 Good practices and support

✔️ Never unplug the microSD when the Raspberry Pi is switched on.
✔️ Cleanly eject the microSD before removing it from the PC.
✔️ If you have any doubts or specific configuration, go to the channel #support on our Discord.

🎥 Find Fabrice's video below for a visual accompaniment!

Raspberry Pi5

Thu Jan 30 2025

Video games and preservation: the VGHF unveils its open-access digital library

The Video Game History Foundation (VGHF) has just launched Early Access to its digital library, a unique resource for journalists, YouTubers and video game enthusiasts. This ambitious project aims to preserve and make accessible a wide variety of historical documents related to the video games industry.

Since its creation in 2017, the Video Game History Foundation has been working to digitise and archive magazines, press kits, CD-ROMs, videos and other essential documents, which are often difficult to access or threatened with disappearance. Thanks to this new platform, users can now explore these resources freely via an advanced search, making it possible to find games, publishers or even game styles.

From its launch, the library offers six major collections, including :

  • The guides and documents for the first twelve editions of E3.
  • An exclusive collection of FromSoftware promotional material.
  • Over 100 CD-ROMs of artwork and press releases from the GamePro archives.
  • Over 100 hours of behind-the-scenes footage of Cyan's development of Myst.
  • The archives of Mark Flitman, former producer at Konami and Acclaim.
  • A selection of rare magazines and other period media.

For the time being, all the documents are in English. It is not yet certain that French-language archives will be added to the collection, but we can remain optimistic in view of the many resources held by certain enthusiasts, notably Recalbox users, and the French footprint in the world of video games.

Phil Salvador, who initiated the project, is urging archive holders to get in touch with the Video Game History Foundation:

"On the internet, magazines often tend to be either a bunch of PDFs on a torrent, or a very large collection that is only available in person or is locked away. While we have a lot of respect for all those who make documents available, we want to give researchers a structure. I hope that this will encourage people who have access to rare and interesting documents to give priority to open access and to find a way of organising it so that it is useful to users." He saids for Time Extension.

Access to this library is free, but those who wish to support the project and ensure its development can do so via Patreon.

With this initiative, the Video Game History Foundation hopes to encourage the preservation of videogame heritage and encourage studios and collectors to share their archives with the community.

Photos: Video Game History Foundation

Video Game History Foundation

Tue Jan 28 2025

Recalbox at HFS Summer 2025

From 23 to 25 May 2025, come and meet the Recalbox team at HFS Summer 2025!

This event will take you back to the atmosphere of the arcades, with over 150 arcade machines, pinball machines and retrogaming consoles available for free access! It's a great time to share with family and friends, in a friendly and festive atmosphere.

If you're feeling competitive, there will also be LAN tournaments:

  • Family tournaments for fun
  • International tournaments with top players

Get ready for spectacular clashes on Street Fighter, Fatal Fury, Capcom vs SNK, Virtua Fighter, Windjammers... A unique opportunity to see players from the Fighting eSport scene go head-to-head in a supercharged atmosphere!

A not-to-be-missed retrogaming event

For its 11ᵉ edition, HFS Summer has established itself as a key retrogaming event. Fans of arcade terminals and partners are coming together to offer you meetings and non-stop gaming, at the heart of the French and international retrogaming community.

📍 Location: Halle des Expositions, Évreux
🎟 Prices and bookings on

  • 3-day pass: €49
  • Friday: €19
  • Saturday: €24
  • Sunday: €19
  • Free for children under 8.

📅 Tournament registration before 9 May 2025.

Organisation and broadcasting

A dedicated Discord is available on Billetweb to help you organise your journey. Don't forget to share your arrival on the Recalbox Discord to organise meetings between users and Recalbox staff on site.

Follow the event live on the Twitch HFS Summer channel.

Photos: HFS Summer / Eric Sztelma / Healmely

HFS Summer 2025

Mon Jan 27 2025

SEGA revives hopes of a new Skies of Arcadia project

It's through trademark registrations that some retrogamers are nurturing the hope of a comeback. This time, it's SEGA that's making that promise, having re-filed the trademarks Skies of Arcadia and Arcadia Eternal (the Japanese equivalent) on 16 January.

No official announcement has followed these filings, which leaves us uncertain as to their intentions. It could simply be a matter of ‘protecting’ the trademarks, or it could be a project in the pipeline. But what kind of project? A remake, a sequel, or even a new medium? For now, the mystery remains.

Whatever the case, a wind of optimism is blowing through RPG fans. SEGA is particularly active at the moment with projects for its iconic franchises, such as Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, and Virtua Fighter. Meanwhile, Skies of Arcadia has a strong fan base, and a sequel or remake has long been called for.

Released in 2000 for the Dreamcast, Skies of Arcadia made a lasting impression with its fresh universe, storyline and flying boat combat mechanics. The game was then improved and re-released on GameCube in 2002 under the name Skies of Arcadia Legends. No sequel or remaster has been released since.

The game is playable on Recalbox via the Dreamcast version. We recommend using the Raspberry Pi 5 for the best experience.

Skies of Arcadia

Mon Jan 27 2025

SuperStation One: FPGA-based PlayStation nostalgia

Retrogaming fans, you've probably already heard about the next hot FPGA machine: the SuperStation One. Retroremake, the group behind the project, has just revealed the details of the console and its price.

Retroremake is already well known to the retrogaming community, thanks in particular to its MiSTer FPGA project, an open source platform designed to recreate retro consoles and computers in hardware form.

A console dedicated to the original PlayStation

As its name suggests, the SuperStation One focuses on the original PlayStation, with a design inspired by the PS One (the ‘slim’ version of the PS1). The console can read PS1 ROMs thanks to an FPGA circuit, eliminating the need for emulation, as the device is designed to faithfully reproduce the original hardware.

Nevertheless, in order to meet the expectations of potential buyers, the developers have specified that the console will be compatible with the MiSTer FPGA platform. This will make it possible to play titles from other retro systems thanks to the addition of new cores.

An experience designed for purists

For those who want to use their original PS1 CDs, Retroremake is offering a dock called SuperDock, which attaches to the underside of the SuperStation One and lets you run your physical discs.

The console has two ports for original PS1 controllers and two memory card slots, as on the PS One. In keeping with the retro spirit, the Power button and Eject button are positioned exactly as they were back in the day. However, the Eject button has been redesigned to act as a Reset button.

Comprehensive connectivity

In terms of connectivity, the SuperStation One does not disappoint:

  • Video outputs: HDMI (1536p/1446p), Composite / RCA, VGA, DIN and Component.
  • A Mini Jack output for connecting an external audio system.
  • One Audio Digital output (optical).
  • Two USB ports.
  • One Ethernet port. Integration of Bluetooth and WiFi.
  • A MicroSD port, particularly for back-ups.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Pre-orders now open

The SuperStation One is available for pre-order at a price of $179.99, with a choice of three colours: grey, black or translucent blue.

Due to its FGPA nature, this console is NOT compatible with Recalbox (like all FGPA consoles), our solution being an emulation solution unlike FGPA systems.

Photos: Retro Remake

SuperStation One

Sun Jan 26 2025

Mortal Kombat II resurrected on 3DO

Released in the arcade in 1993, Mortal Kombat II has been ported to numerous platforms. Gamers on Game Boy, SNES, Mega Drive, Amiga, Master System, Sega Saturn and PlayStation were able to enjoy the famous fatalities right in their living rooms.

Now a group of independent developers have brought the game to a platform that was neglected at the time, the 3DO.

A long-term project

Le projet, présenté en 2023 par le développeur 3DO HD, a considérablement progressé depuis. A recent video posted on their YouTube channel reveals advanced gameplay and confirms that the port is now ready for launch. The first images show an impressive respect for the original arcade version, with sprites and backgrounds faithful to the original game.

Technical challenges

With its memory and resolution limitations, 3DO posed a number of challenges for the developers. Despite these constraints, the port features :

  • All the original characters and stages,
  • A single-player mode, a VS mode and a training mode with no timer or life bar,
  • A stage explorer mode and even secret fighters to come.

However, some concessions were necessary. For example, fighter-specific fatalities are not yet included, and Shang Tsung can currently only transform into the opponent he's fighting. 3DO HD saids:

"This is still a BETA version. At the moment, the latest version is 5.01, as shown on the Start menu screen. I will continue to post patches on the same link. The Mortal Kombat intellectual property is owned by MK / Netherrealm. This is a non-profit fan project for a 30 year old console that has never received a port.

There will be bugs. I'll fix them as I find them. If you're playing with a CD, there may be slight audio skips when the scenery changes in the intro and ending. There are no fighter-specific fatalities in this version. Shang Tsung can only become an adversary. Soon I'll start work on the ‘full’ version, which will include fatalities, babalities, friendships and the fact that Shang Tsung can turn into anyone."

A promising beta version

Although still in the beta phase, version 5.01 is already available for download. The developer is continuing to make improvements and is planning a full version, with all the game's iconic features.

To download this port, go to 3DO HD's Google Drive. If you'd like to support their work, a Ko-Fi page is also available, as are their other ports, such as Tetris 1&2 for 3DO, accessible on their GitHub page.

Source: RetroRGB, Time Extension

Mortal Kombat II

Wed Jan 22 2025

Cronela's Mansion: a retro homebrew game that's a thrill to play

Zetof, one of our users and an active member of our Discord, has informed us of the availability of the first demo of Cronela's Mansion, a point-and-click game inspired by the LucasArts classic, Maniac Mansion, released in 1987 for Commodore 64 and Apple II.

The brainchild of Spanish homebrew developer Straynus, Cronela's Mansion will be available on NES, SNES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, PC/MS-DOS and even Nintendo Switch!

For the time being, the demo is only available on the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and NES versions. Zetof has tested the NES version on Recalbox and reports that it runs perfectly.

If you'd like to try it out, the demo is available at The developer points out that you can flash a cartridge to play on a console, or use an emulator. He particularly recommends playing on a CRT TV for a ‘magical’ experience.

Four years in the making, the game oozes passion and has been given special care in its visuals. The story promises to be rich and will take place in an open world. Straynus told Time Extension:

"Players will only control Tommy. The other characters are the family who live in the mansion (enemies or allies?). Cronela is Anibal and Hedda's mother, and the zombie (Pavel) is Cronela's brother (and Anibal and Hedda's uncle). The reason why Tommy has to go to the mansion is still a secret. The game will be an open world, so we won't be limited to the mansion."

If you're interested in the game, you can download the demo and sign up on the project's Kickstarter to be notified once it's online so you can take part in the fundraising. By taking part in the fundraiser, you'll also have the chance to buy physical versions of the game for your preferred platform, along with exclusive goodies from the game's universe.

Finally, the announcement of the game was accompanied by a tasteful animated trailer, which we invite you to discover below:

Cronela's Mansion

Tue Jan 21 2025

CASIO celebrates PAC-MAN with a collection of brand new watches

As a watch fan, I couldn't resist sharing the news that my bank account will be depleted in just a few days' time.

But there are no Rolexes, Mauboussins, Tudors or Apple Watches in my drawers. If I had to choose just two brands, they would be Swatch and, of course, CASIO. And if I had to sum up what these Japanese watches represent, I wouldn't go any further than the source of this article: Retrododo, which I quote:

"They're iconic, instantly recognisable, have a retro design and could probably withstand being dropped off a cliff after being stolen from your wrist by an eagle. Battery life also seems to be one of the greatest mysteries of our childhoods - I swear mine never gave up the ghost!"

If CASIO is of interest to us today, it's because of the collaboration announced at the end of the year on YouTube (video at the bottom of the article) and relaunched a few days ago on the brand's official Instagram.

To celebrate 50 years of watches and 45 years of PAC-MAN, CASIO has teamed up with Bandai to bring us four watches featuring the little yellow gobbler and his ghosts.

From left to right in the photo illustrating the article:

  • A168WEPC-7A: with its instantly recognisable ‘CASIO’ design, dressed all in grey with its brushed metal strap, the watch has a blue light that displays a WAKA-WAKA message, also visible on the clasp. On the face of the watch, the pastel blue PAC-MAN features surround the dial, and the ghosts are never far away. Advertised price: €79.95.

  • F-91WPC-1A**: with exactly the same design and features, but this time in black with a black biosourced resin strap. Advertised price: €59.95 (the cheapest in the range).

  • ABL-100WEPC-1B**: the connected watch in this collection (Bluetooth). The dial features an image of the game in black and white, while a splash of colour appears at the bottom with two PAC-MANs and the famous cherry that offered bonus points in the game. The black metal strap lets you show off your geekiness while remaining sober. Advertised price: €130 (the most expensive in the range).

  • CA-53WPC-1B: the calculator watch in the collection. No more sobriety, here the predominant colour is firecracker yellow! Beneath the dial displaying the time are the 16 calculator buttons arranged in the game's maze. Advertised price: €79.95.

The watches are not yet available in France via the official CASIO website, but some retailers are already stocking them.

Note that this is not the first collaboration between CASIO and Bandai, who have previously offered the A100WEPC-1B, among others, with the partnership existing for over forty years.


Tue Jan 21 2025

Half-Life and Counter-Strike come to Dreamcast

Dreamcast ports have been prolific in recent weeks. After Minecraft and GTA 3, it's now the turn of Valve's iconic franchises, Half-Life and Counter-Strike, to show off their polygons on SEGA's console.

A Russian developer by the name of Maximqad is currently working on a port of the Xash3D engine, designed to be compatible with Half-Life. This ambitious project paves the way for the adaptation of numerous games using this engine, including Counter-Strike. Thanks to his work, it is now possible to play online games of Half-Life Deathmatch: Source (2006) and Counter-Strike (2000) on Dreamcast, a technical feat that is already generating a great deal of enthusiasm in the community.

Dreamcast specialist developer Falco Girgis recently shared images of Counter-Strike running online, although he warned that the project is still in its early stages:

"WHAT KIND OF ENGINE IS THIS? That ‘very special’ new Half-Life compatible engine, Xash3D, that @craf7y24 barely ported to the Sega Dreamcast the other day? ...Well here's a direct hardware capture of that engine that brings us back online with COUNTER-STRIKE 1.6 running on the DC!".

For the moment, no specific optimisations have been made to the console's hardware, but it does suggest that there is considerable potential for improvement. Other videos also show two players on a Half-Life map.

Despite graphical bugs and adjustments that are still needed, Maximqad's progress shows that the Dreamcast, although old, continues to fascinate fans and independent developers alike.

SEGA's latest console, which is similar in architecture to the PCs of the early 2000s, remains a favourite playground for homebrew developers, who are constantly pushing the limits of this machine with ports that are as surprising as they are ambitious.

Source: MagMO5, Time Extension


Sun Jan 19 2025

Atari's retro feel

In a press release published on Friday, Atari congratulated itself on its resolutely retrogaming strategy.

Hardware true to its heritage

On the hardware front, the American company recently re-released updated versions of its iconic consoles: the 2600 and 7800. Unlike the ‘mini’ re-releases offered by Nintendo and SEGA, which include around twenty pre-installed games, Atari is banking on authenticity by allowing these new consoles to read the original 2600 and 7800 cartridges, thus strengthening its link with its heritage.

Software successes in 2024

On the software front, Atari also enjoyed great success in 2024 with titles such as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind, The Thing: Remastered and RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic. The company also consolidated its position in 2023 by acquiring two major retrogaming players: Digital Eclipse and Nightdive Studios.

"The 2023 acquisitions of Digital Eclipse and Nightdive Studios have significantly deepened the company's expertise in retro games from the 1970s to the early 2000s on PCs and modern consoles, and strengthened the company's skills and reputation for rights acquisition and content development around some of the world's most beloved intellectual properties," said Wade Rosen, Atari's Chairman and CEO.

A successful fourth quarter

Wade Rosen also praised Atari's performance in 2024:

"It was critical for Atari to execute our retro strategy in 2024, and I am extremely pleased with the company's performance across all of our businesses. Ending the year with such an enthusiastic response to our fourth quarter games - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind and The Thing: Remastered, as well as the release of RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic on Nintendo Switch - I am confident that our strategy will lead to even greater success in 2025."

Retrogaming in 2025

Atari is fully committed to its retrogaming strategy, banking on the nostalgia and popularity of its historic licences. The year 2025 promises to be full of re-releases, new games and, who knows, hardware surprises.

Source: Time Extension


Sun Jan 19 2025

Prince of Persia comes to Dreamcast with a homebrew port

The original game Prince of Persia, released in 1989 for the Apple II, can now be played on Dreamcast.

The title was a huge success thanks to its captivating world and, above all, its avant-garde animations for the time. These used the rotoscoping technique to reproduce realistic movement dynamics.

This port is based on SDLPoP, an open source disassembly of the DOS version of the game, which has already been adapted for many other platforms.

For this port, homebrew developer memorix101 used the Dreamcast SDL2 library, designed by programmer Troy Davis. A solution that necessitated the adaptation of a number of features.

Nevertheless, the developer has succeeded in integrating the ability to perform Dreamcast-specific quick saves (VMU) into his port, which, in return, takes time away from players' runs.

Currently in the alpha stage, the project is available for download (CDI image) from GitHub. For fans of the Prince of Persia saga, it's worth noting that the first opus, its many ports and its sequels can also be played on Recalbox on a number of platforms.

Source: Time Extension

Prince of Persia

Fri Jan 17 2025

"Hand-Drawn Game Guides: Mega Man" the official hand-drawn guide

This is the story of an exceptional book. Three years ago, author and illustrator Philip Summers set off on a Kickstarter adventure to fund hand-illustrated guides to classic games from the 80s.

The campaign was a runaway success, with almost 4,700 contributors raising $322,000. But the enthusiasm wasn't enough to bring the project to fruition, for one simple reason: Philip Summers didn't own the rights to the franchises he was working on.

The project had to be abandoned on the last day of the fund-raising campaign.

Motivated by the support he received, Summers continued to work on his drawings while working discreetly to negotiate the rights that would allow him to publish an officially licensed guide.

And so, in partnership with NF Publishing and with Capcom's blessing, Philip Summers is offering his very first official hand-drawn guide: "Hand-Drawn Game Guides: Mega Man ’.

Launched just three days ago, the project has already raised almost €70,000 of the €19,302 requested, thanks to 1,404 contributors at the time of writing. In fact, the target was reached in just 12 minutes!

As well as making it possible to produce the book, this success could encourage Capcom to repeat the experience with future projects in the same spirit.

We invite you to discover the Kickstarter page, which reveals some illustrations taken from the book. After all, these are not just drawings: the entire guide is hand-drawn.

Characters, levels, tips, traps... everything is meticulously drawn with a remarkable pencil stroke that exudes passion and attention to detail. This 200-page guide will help you rediscover the secrets of the original Mega Man adventure (1987) and Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (released on Game Boy in 1991).

Photos: NF Publishing


Guide officiel
Mega Man

Fri Jan 17 2025

MediEvil II: The skeletal hero returns to PlayStation Plus

The PlayStation Plus catalogue will be expanded on 21 January with the arrival of a number of new games, including a title from the PlayStation Classic range that is sure to delight fans of retrogaming.

Medievil II, released in 2000 on PlayStation, joins over a hundred classic titles. A direct sequel to MediEvil, this game takes us back to the world of the skeletal hero Sir Daniel Fortesque, awakened after 500 years of well-earned rest for a new adventure set in England.

The version on offer is a remastered version: the original game, developed by SCE Studio Cambridge (now Guerrilla Cambridge), has been given a slight visual facelift. So it's not a complete remake, unlike the first MediEvil, released in 2019 and developed by Other Ocean Interactive, which offered a modern reinterpretation of the game.

MediEvil is an iconic franchise of the early PlayStation era, on a par with Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider. It stands out for its technical quality, quirky universe, charismatic hero and clear inspiration from the world of Tim Burton.

To enjoy MediEvil II, you'll need to subscribe to the PlayStation Plus Premium service or buy it individually. Note that the first instalment of MediEvil is also available, allowing you to discover the story in chronological order.

Finally, for fans of retrogaming, MediEvil titles can be played via Recalbox on PlayStation 1.


Thu Jan 16 2025

PS Vita: Shuhei Yoshida looks back at the reasons for his failure

Following the announcement of his retirement, Shuhei Yoshida has given an interview to media outlet Kinda Funny Games, in which he looks back on his long career at Sony and shares some interesting observations on the failure of the PS Vita.

If the name Shuhei Yoshida isn't familiar to you, but you've been a PlayStation gamer, then you owe him a good portion of your gaming sessions.

Recruited by Sony in 1986 from university, Yoshida rose through the ranks working on iconic titles such as Gran Turismo and Ape Escape, before becoming president of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios from 2008 to 2019.

The Time Extension website reports on Yoshida's comments in the two-hour-plus interview.

The context of a failure

Building on the success of the PSP (which sold 80 million units), Sony decided to launch a new handheld console: the PS Vita. However, this ambition came up against a major competitor. Nintendo's 3DS was a runaway success, selling almost 76 million units. The PS Vita, on the other hand, has struggled to make an impact, selling only around 15 million units.

However, Yoshida stresses that competition is not the only factor holding back the Vita.

Lack of development resources

Yoshida explains that Sony had split its teams between the PS Vita and home consoles, in particular the PS4. With a limited number of studios, the company had to make choices, and it was the PS4 that was prioritised. In comparison, more recently Nintendo has managed to consolidate its teams to work on a single hybrid platform, the Switch, a strategy that Yoshida considers to be one of the keys to its success.

Proprietary memory cards: a costly mistake

Another point raised by Yoshida concerns the PS Vita's proprietary memory cards, often criticised for being prohibitively expensive. He admits that this choice weighed heavily on consumers:
*It was a mistake. People have to spend more money to get a memory card.

Standard SD cards, such as those used by Nintendo for its 3DS, would have been a more economical and practical alternative. Note that for some games, this memory card became compulsory.

Questionable hardware choices

The PS Vita included innovations such as a rear touchscreen and a high-quality OLED screen (which was later removed in favour of an LCD screen), but Yoshida now admits that these choices increased costs without adding any real value. These elements, although attractive during the prototyping phase, were not essential in the end.

In addition, the lack of a TV output on the commercial model was also detrimental to the console. Yoshida reveals that this feature was present in the development kits but was removed to save on production costs. A regrettable decision considering the positive impact of TV compatibility on the Switch's success.

An analysis after the fact

It's always easier to draw lessons after the fact, especially in the face of the Switch's success, which now seems to be a given in terms of design. However, there's no denying that Sony tried to innovate with the PS Vita, delivering a quality product that was forward-thinking for its time, not least thanks to its OLED screen, rear touch surface and impressive graphics for a handheld console released in 2011.

After hearing Yoshida's words, we can't help but wonder how successful the PS Vita might have been if it had been dockable or, at the very least, compatible with a TV output, a feature that the Switch brilliantly exploited five years later.

PlayStation Vita

Thu Jan 16 2025

Super Mario World: the cult soundtrack arrives on vinyl

Warner Music Japan has opened pre-orders for a vinyl set that should be high on the wish list of Super Mario collectors and fans.

The Super Mario World soundtrack will be available from April 30, 2025 and will come in the form of a three-disc box set featuring no fewer than 179 tracks featuring music from the titles Super Mario Bros to Super Mario Bros 3. Notably, the B-side of the third disc contains 118 sounds, mainly sound effects from the games.

According to RetroRGB, the tracks appear to be based on the CD version of a compilation released in 1991.

At present, the vinyls are only available on two Japanese sales platforms, but these are expected to offer international delivery.

This boxed set of three vinyl records is priced at 11,550 yen, or around $74, from these two addresses:

Tower JP / HMV.CO.JP

Super Mario World

Wed Jan 15 2025

Escape Kids, an original 90s arcade game, is coming to PlayStation and Switch

You may be familiar with the Arcade Archives range from Konami, which offers re-releases of the Japanese firm's classics on modern platforms. This time, the surprise comes in the form of Escape Kids, an arcade game released in 1991 that has never before been brought to home consoles.

With its colourful style and very ‘toonesque’ animations, the game asks you to complete three laps of each race, the aim being to come out on top while beating the black-clad champion.

There are several circuits to choose from, each with its own variety of scenery and obstacles. Along the way, you can collect coins to improve your stats: endurance, crash recovery and even braking.

To add a little spice, bonuses can appear on the ground. These can be used to make up a substantial deficit, or to see your opponents swooping down on you.

Escape Kids will be available from 16 January on PlayStation and Switch.

Source: Time Extension, Famitsu

Escape Kids

Wed Jan 15 2025

DOOM in PDF format thanks to an ingenious schoolboy

A few days ago we told you about an innovative CAPTCHA that lets you play Doom, and now fans of the franchise and of technical tinkering can rejoice: the famous 1993 first-person shooter has been ported... to a PDF file. This feat is the work of a high school student known as ading2210 on GitHub, inspired by a similar project for Tetris.

Using the capabilities of Javascript in PDF files, ading2210 used Emscripten to compile Doom in asm.js format, making the game playable in Chromium-based browsers. The rendering, minimalist but functional, is based on a palette of six ASCII-art colours.

Admittedly, it lacks sound and the original palette, but players can still wander around level E1M1, eliminating demons and zombies, simply by typing commands or clicking on on-screen buttons, which allow them to move the character, shoot and switch from one menu to another.

Because of the PDF format, you'll understand that there are a few constraints, notably a response time of 80ms, which in itself isn't really a problem but isn't up to the standards of the genre.

This port continues the long tradition of running Doom on improbable objects, such as toasters, fridges, pregnancy tests and treadmills (you'll find here this long, improbable list).

For those who want to try out this offbeat version, the project is available on GitHub and at this address.

Sources: IGN, Time Extension


Tue Jan 14 2025

GOG strengthens its commitment to preserving video games with EFGAMP

A few weeks ago, GOG announced its preservation programme entitled ‘Preserved by GOG’. It's an initiative designed to safeguard the great classics of video games, in order to preserve these works while making them compatible with today's PCs.

The programme currently includes just over 100 titles, including Diablo, Fallout: New Vegas and System Shock 2. These games have been tested and optimised to offer a DRM-free experience, with manuals included, technical support and much more.

This ensures continued compatibility and support, so that these iconic titles will be around for years to come.

Retro News today announced that GOG has reinforced this commitment by joining the European Federation of Video Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects (EFGAMP).

Founded in 2012, this federation brings together more than 20 institutions across Europe, including the French association

This step marks a further commitment by GOG to the preservation of videogame heritage, by collaborating with recognised associations in the field of video games and retrogaming.

Andreas Lange, Director of EFGAMP, welcomed the move:

"GOG brings a unique perspective to EFGAMP as Europe's leading digital distributor of games [...] its experience in making classic games accessible to modern audiences complements the work of our existing members by bringing additional digital expertise to our collective efforts".

At a time when dematerialisation is playing an increasingly important role, it is reassuring to see that this can coexist with the protection of our heritage, and that major players such as GOG and Sony, with its game library, are taking steps to address this issue.

Source: Retro News


Mon Jan 13 2025

Play on your smartphone with a controller: 8BitDo unveils the Mobile Clip

8BitDo has become accustomed to more elaborate accessories than the one presented here. The manufacturer, well known for its Recalbox-compatible peripherals, offers controllers of excellent quality, with exemplary finish and few bugs.

This time, the accessory manufacturer is unveiling a "Mobile Clip ’, a simple plastic clip designed to attach a phone to a Micro or Zero 2 controller from the same brand (these are very small controllers).

With the disappearance of physical buttons on smartphones, many users of retro games find themselves frustrated by the often uncomfortable grip of touch screens.

The solution proposed by 8BitDo has the merit of offering an alternative that allows you to have a controller in your hand and your smartphone, offering a slightly more natural gaming position while remaining close to your phone screen.

The quality and finish of this clip remain to be seen. Let's hope it has a little foam to protect the screen and a system that's strong enough to hold both the controller and the phone, without requiring excessive effort.

However, given the high standards to which 8BitDo has become accustomed, it's regrettable that the brand has opted for such a simple and, let's face it, somewhat ‘cheap’ accessory compared to its usual products.

The Mobile Clip is available for $9.99.


Mon Jan 13 2025

When live music enhances a Crazy Taxi speedrun

If you want to spend the next 15 minutes shaking your head with a goofy grin while watching a speedrun, you've come to the right place.

From 4 to 12 January, the Awesome Games Done Quick festival was held, a charity marathon which, as the name suggests, is centred around speedruns. During the event, spectators had the chance to make donations, which were donated to cancer prevention and Médecins Sans Frontières.

For this first edition of 2025, the marathon was a great success, with $2,556,305 raised. Among the many speedruns broadcast live, one in particular caught our attention: that of the legendary Crazy Taxi, performed by Chuckles825 in just under 18 minutes.

This performance made its mark not only because of its speed, but also because of the unique conditions in which it took place. The game's famous soundtrack, featuring iconic tracks by The Offspring and Bad Religion, was played live by a group of musicians. The musicians didn't just play the songs: they synchronised their performance with the different phases of the game, starting and stopping their tracks at the beginning and end of each level.

To top it all off, the musicians also commented on the session, replacing the game's announcer, who had been cut for the occasion. It's an original approach that has allowed us to recreate an atmosphere faithful to Crazy Taxi's wacky, free-flowing spirit, while cleverly sidestepping copyright concerns.

If you're interested in this kind of performance, don't hesitate to explore the Games Done Quick channel, where you'll find other videos just as entertaining.

As a reminder, Crazy Taxi was originally released on Naomi (arcade) and was one of the major titles of the Dreamcast. If you own this game, you should know that it is perfectly playable on Recalbox (a Pi5 with 4 GB RAM is recommended).


Crazy Taxi
Games Done Quick

Sun Jan 12 2025

Super Retro Champ: My Arcade brings together SNES and Mega Drive

My Arcade is certainly prolific at CES 2025. After unveiling its partnership with SEGA to offer mini kiosks featuring Sonic and its new Game Gamestation Retro, the American manufacturer this week presented the Super Retro Champ.

This portable console, equipped with a six-inch screen, is capable of reading SNES and Mega Drive game cartridges. If this project sounds familiar, that's because it was already presented at CES 2020 before being shelved without any official communication until now.

The console's architecture is based on an emulation system and not on FPGAs, as is usually the case with this type of device. You'll be able to connect Bluetooth controllers and also link the console to your television via an HDMI port.

The Super Retro Champ is due for release this year, at a price that has yet to be confirmed. However, according to the mag, it could go on sale for around €99. This is not the first console of its kind to be offered by My Arcade, which also markets the Retro Champ, capable of holding NES and Famicom cartridges.

While the quality of the device remains to be seen, it's worth pointing out that My Arcade has taken up an unprecedented challenge: to offer a console capable of bringing together SNES and Mega Drive ‘cartridge’ players on a single device!

CES 2025
My Arcade
Super Retro Champ

Sat Jan 11 2025

Take part in the first Recalbox Discord challenge of 2025 with Over Top

If you frequent the Recalbox Discord, you'll have noticed that beudbeud organises a fortnightly challenge open to everyone. The idea is simple: try to achieve the best score on a selected game, often from the arcade catalogue.

To kick off 2025, the first challenge will be played on Over Top :

Over Top, developed by ADK in 1996, is an iconic arcade racing game. Get behind the wheel of sports cars or off-road vehicles to take on a variety of dynamic circuits. From snow-covered mountains to tropical forests and urban roads, each track is a unique challenge where precision, speed and cornering are essential. ‘*

Challenge rules

At the wheel of one of the eight cars available, your objective will be to complete a full lap of the map, divided into several stages, before the dreaded "Time Over ’ appears.

Each car has a unique driving style, favouring certain types of surface (tarmac, mud, snow, etc.) but with weaknesses on others. It's up to you to choose the one that best suits your style of play.

A few tips to help you shine:

  • Take the time to memorise the lines.
  • Be precise, because the slightest mistake could ruin your race.
  • Note that there are few shortcuts: consistency is better than improvisation.

How do I take part?

  1. **Start the game ** (rom ‘overtop’)
  2. Play and try to beat the best time.
  3. Take a screenshot or photo of your final score.
  4. Share your score on the Discord channel #challenges or use the command /submit score leaderboard on the same channel.

Rules to follow

To ensure the fairness of the challenge :

  • The score must be achieved in only one credit, without save state, rewind, cheats, or auto fire (unless provided for in the game).

Rewards and fair play

The challenge is all about discovering new games, sharing tips and, of course, having fun. All in a spirit of competition that's always welcome!

The winner will receive a game key (GOG, Steam, etc.) to choose from a list of over 80 titles. Note that if you've won a challenge in the last three months, the prize will go to the next person on the podium.

**Good luck to you all, and may the best score win!

Over Top

Fri Jan 10 2025

The Nintendo 64: A Nightmare for Emulation

If you're familiar with retrogaming and emulation, you'll no doubt know that some consoles are harder to emulate than others. Among them, the Nintendo 64 is often considered a real bête noire.

The site Time Extension recently shared an article with a video from Modern Vintage Gamer on YouTube. The video, which is in English but can be automatically subtitled in French via the settings, explains in an accessible way why Nintendo 64 emulation is so complex.

To put it simply (and with a lot of shortcuts), the Nintendo 64 has a atypical architecture. While some consoles have similarities with the architecture of PCs, the Nintendo 64 has radically different hardware.

Emulation of the Nintendo 64 began in the early 2000s, at a time when PCs were often less powerful than the console itself, which was released in 1996. To get round this problem, developers had to use custom ‘micro-codes’ for each game, to ensure faithful, high-performance emulation.

At the same time, specific plug-ins were developed to emulate the graphics, sound and joystick management sub-systems. However, these solutions, adapted to specific games, proved ineffective, and even problematic, for other titles.

So why does this problem persist with modern PCs? Because it's not just a question of power, it's a question of methodology. The basics of Nintendo 64 emulation haven't really changed for 25 years.

Even Nintendo's official emulation struggles to faithfully reproduce Nintendo 64 games on its Virtual Console.

When we asked Recalbox which version of the Raspberry Pi we were able to use to offer a correct solution, BkG2k's response was apt:

It's hard to say. On the Pi3 there were games that already ran well. It was more a question of emulation than power. Then new emulators/cores came along, and they all evolved. It's quite hard to say really.

The Time Extension article concludes, through this video, that the problem stems from the very approach to Nintendo 64 emulation. Cobbled-together solutions, such as plug-ins and other micro-codes, must be abandoned in favour of a rethought emulation dedicated to the console's unique architecture.

Nintendo 64

Fri Jan 10 2025

Leaks vs Bricks: Nintendo unveils the LEGO GameBoy

This year, expectations are high when it comes to Nintendo's announcements, and it seems that the Japanese firm has decided to surprise us. While leaks about announcement dates and even supposed photos of the Switch 2 have been circulating online, Nintendo has chosen to defy predictions... by unveiling a LEGO GameBoy.

If you're active on social media, you've probably seen this news thanks to a short teaser posted on Nintendo's official accounts.

This isn't the first time that Nintendo and LEGO have worked together. We remember the set reproducing the NES with an ‘interactive’ CRT screen, or the sets more geared towards a younger audience, such as those inspired by the Super Mario franchise.

This time, LEGO is targeting an older audience, in particular those nostalgic for the 80s and fans of retrogaming. The video presentation is very brief, however: there's no mention of the scale (which we hope will be life-size) or the number of pieces that will make up this replica of the famous handheld console.

The only information confirmed is the release date. You'll be able to get your hands on this GameBoy in bricks from October 2025, at a price as yet unknown.

Let's hope this model proves to be both ingenious and faithful to the original, making it a must-have collector's item. Today, the GameBoy is a veritable pop culture icon, having left its mark on the history of video games with some 119 million units sold, and greatly contributed to the democratisation of portable consoles.


Thu Jan 09 2025

Release of the Raspebrry Pi 5 16GB: an unnecessary boost for Recalbox

The Kubii website, the official Raspberry distributor in France, has announced the availability of the Raspberry Pi 5 in 16GB RAM version.

A boosted Pi 5, but for what use?

The Raspberry Foundation is kicking off the new year with a Pi 5 boosted by 16 GB of RAM. While this evolution may make sense for uses such as office automation, programming, multitasking or servers, it is totally superfluous for use dedicated to Recalbox.

For optimal use with Recalbox, the Raspberry Pi 5 4 Go is still the ideal solution. It's more than enough to run your PS1 and Dreamcast games, demanding arcade titles (particularly Cave games), and soon, with version 10 of Recalbox, some GameCube games (with a few reservations depending on the title).

Even the 8GB version, offered with the release of the Pi 5, doesn't seem relevant for Recalbox use.

Price comparison

The 16 GB model is priced at 147 €, compared with 69 € for the 4 GB version. We therefore strongly recommend the 4GB version and advise you to invest the money you save in a good microSD card (for example a SanDisk that meets U3 A2 standards) and a quality external storage device. These elements will improve your user experience far more significantly than a few gigs of RAM.

What's more, the 2GB version of the Pi 5, released a few months ago, is now compatible with Recalbox (as we explained in this article). However, we continue to prefer the 4GB version for optimal use, particularly in the context of the release of version 10.

Raspberry Pi 5 specifications (16 GB version)

Finally, with regard to the 16GB model, it's important to note that apart from the RAM, its specifications remain strictly identical to those of the other versions:

  • Processor**: Quad-core ARM Cortex-A76 (64-bit, 2.4 GHz)
  • GPU**: VideoCore VII (800 MHz)
  • Connections**: identical to other versions.

If you're just discovering these microcomputers and how to get to grips with them with Recalbox, we invite you to watch the video below:

Raspberry Pi5

Thu Jan 09 2025

My Arcade expands its retrogaming catalogue with the Gamestation Retro range

A few hours after unveiling their partnership with SEGA, My Arcade has announced a new range and a collaboration with Bandai Namco and Capcom.

A new range: **Gamestation Retro

This range, called Gamestation Retro, includes three distinct game stations:

Gamestation Retro Go**

A portable console with an 8-inch screen in 4:3 format, respecting the original resolution of the games on offer.

  • Controls**: joystick, D-pad, four action buttons, four additional buttons (M1/M2) and four triggers located on the top edge.
  • Detailed hardware specifications and a list of games are not yet available.

💵 Advertised price: $199

Gamestation Retro Pro

A home console dedicated to retrogaming.

  • Main features** :
    • HDMI output offering a 1080p signal (no 4K, a coherent choice for retrogaming).
    • Comes with two joysticks, which are fairly standard, but feature six action buttons like the MegaDrive controller.
  • Once again, no precise technical details have been revealed.

💵 Advertised price: $149

Gamestation Retro Mega

A miniaturised wooden arcade cabinet, slightly larger than the other My Arcade cabinets.

  • Design**: dressed in Bandai Namco and Capcom colours.
  • Screen**: 10.1-inch 4:3 format.
  • Controls**: joystick, scroll wheel, eight action buttons and four additional buttons (M1/M2).

💵 Advertised price: $299.99

Games, but few details

My Arcade is promising around a hundred games across these three devices, without specifying whether some will be exclusive to one platform or available on all.

Warning**: these devices are not compatible with Recalbox.

Dedicated accessories

My Arcade is offering two accessories with this new range:

  • Gamestation Retro Gamepad: a controller identical to the one supplied with the Gamestation Retro Pro.
    💵 Price: $39.99
  • Gamestation Retro Arcade Stick**: an arcade panel based on that of the Gamestation Retro Mega, but with more comfortable dimensions. It includes a joystick, scroll wheel, eight action buttons and four additional buttons (M1/M2).
    💵 Price: $69.99

Availability date

The entire Gamestation Retro range is expected to be available in third quarter 2025.

Photos: My Arcade / Bandai Namco / Capcom

My Arcade
Gamestation Retro

Tue Jan 07 2025

My Arcade and SEGA present their mini arcade terminals

The CES show in Las Vegas, which opened on 7 January, is a chance to plunge into the future with a host of innovations designed to transform the homes of tomorrow. But it's also an opportunity to take a look in the rear-view mirror, with a few objects riding the wave of retrogaming. Among them, My Arcade, in partnership with SEGA, has unveiled four mini kiosks paying tribute to iconic titles.

My Arcade, a company known for its mini kiosks (really mini), is collaborating with SEGA (though more of a fan of mini consoles) to produce six models celebrating cult games. Four of them were unveiled at CES 2025: two featuring Sonic, one dedicated to Golden Axe, and another to Shinobi.

The Sonic kiosks are distinguished by their design: the first is a traditional kiosk with a joystick and three buttons, while the second is a simpler kiosk with a joystick and a single button for jumping. As for the Golden Axe and Shinobi terminals, each has a joystick and three buttons, arranged differently depending on the title.

Each terminal should include ROMs for the games it represents. However, it is not yet known whether these will be arcade or console versions. Likewise, no information has been released on the possible presence of other playable games. As such, we would point out that Recalbox is not compatible with these systems and if you wish to play these games, you will have to turn to the platforms we support.

Those familiar with the My Arcade brand will know what to expect. While these mini kiosks have an attractive retro look, they are still very small and fragile, offering limited comfort for prolonged gaming sessions.

The last two terminals, already announced but not yet presented, will pay tribute to Streets of Rage and Out Run. The teasing surrounding the Out Run edition is particularly exciting, and we'll leave you to discover the photo that has been unveiled for it.

Photos: My Arcade / SEGA

My Arcade

Tue Jan 07 2025

LEGO Ideas: Playstation 2 officially studied

An amateur LEGO designer has just passed the 10,000-vote mark on the LEGO Ideas website, a decisive step that will allow his project to be studied by LEGO teams with a view to possible commercialisation.

And if this project is of interest to us retrogaming enthusiasts, it's because it's an almost 1:1 scale reproduction of the legendary PlayStation 2.

RippleDrive, the Finnish company behind this creation, didn't just reproduce the console's exterior. They have taken their attention to detail to an impressive level, transforming a simple LEGO construction into a veritable object of admiration. The DualShock 2 is accurately reproduced, as are the memory cards. The disc drive is functional and removable, with a movable lens. The inside of the console reveals the electronic circuits, right down to the lithium battery that powers the internal clock.

One of the reasons I decided to build a PS2 is because I have so many fond memories of playing with it as a child and as an adult, as it's my favourite video games console of all time. I also decided to build this model because LEGO sets related to video games have been very successful, ‘* explains RippleDrive on the project page.

The Finn has indeed hit the nail on the head, as LEGO has already made a name for itself with nostalgic sets dedicated to gamers, such as the Pac-Man arcade terminal, the NES accompanied by its television set and the Atari 2600, with its iconic joystick and game cartridges.

RippleDrive has also thought of fans of hidden details: *The controller can be plugged into the console, and its interior hides the 7 orbs from the PS2 menu as an easter egg. The top of the console can be removed, revealing removable components.

It remains to be seen whether these arguments will be enough to convince the LEGO teams to choose this 2111-pieces set from among forty or so equally remarkable projects.

Photos: LEGO Ideas / RippleDrive

PlayStation 2

Mon Jan 06 2025

Closure of the a-cho room: when the history of the arcade fades away

A few days ago we told you about the premium reissue of a book dedicated to Japanese arcades, by Victor Alonso. The Spaniard takes us on a journey through 25 Japanese arcades in The Last Game Centers, with a series of photographs paying tribute to the very special atmosphere of these arcades.

This reissue has already had to replace one arcade with another due to closure. Today, a sad and symbolic news has been added to this phenomenon, accentuated by the health crisis:

This time it's the a-cho arcade in Kyoto, which will close its doors on 31 January 2025. A veritable institution in an iconic city that is home to Nintendo's head office, its closure is a major blow for the arcade in Japan. But this announcement is accompanied by other news that is just as worrying for fans of the arcade and the games it used to showcase.

Three YouTube channels linked to the arcade (a-cho GAME, a-cho battle movie and a-cho staff) are also intended to disappear. The current owners of the venue will lose their rights to these channels, which will most likely lead to their closure. This situation was announced on X (formerly Twitter):

"Regarding the YouTube channel, a-cho will be shutting down and the staff responsible for managing it will no longer have any authority over it. In addition, the rights to manage the video material owned by the manufacturers cannot be transferred to a third party."

These channels bring together thousands of hours of broadcasts and replays of matches played in the hall on iconic franchises such as Street Fighter or The King of Fighters. They also featured shoot'em ups, puzzle games like Tetris, and many other genres.

Beyond simple gameplay sessions, it's a real intangible heritage that risks disappearing. The a-cho room regularly hosted tournaments and famous guests from the Japanese arcade world.

As the tweet points out, the main reason for the decision lies in rights issues, which are extremely strict in Japan. As games are the property of their publishers, the distribution of their video content is protected. With the closure of the venue, the tolerance accorded to these videos will also cease to exist.

In the world of retrogaming, the right to remember is paramount. While a few closures of rooms, sites or channels may seem anecdotal, they reveal a much more alarming reality: rigid intellectual property rights and non-existent archiving often prevent the preservation of this heritage.

Source: Time Extension

a cho

Mon Jan 06 2025

Homebrew port brings Shinobi to Neo-Geo

Announced barely a month ago on the networks, the unofficial port of Shinobi to Neo-Geo has been available since last Friday.

This “homebrew” port is the work of the talented Hoffman, known for his contributions to other ports. He has made the game available free of charge on

Originally developed by SEGA for arcade terminals, Shinobi was released in 1987, marking the start of a series of a dozen games, and soon a film produced by Universal.

The arcade title was renowned for its quality, but above all for its difficulty. To make the experience more accessible, Hoffman has integrated dip switches for various settings and cheat options.

This port remains faithful to the original while exploiting the hardware capabilities of the Neo-Geo, offering better fluidity and more colorful visuals.

This project highlights the richness of homebrew productions, which continue to honor retrogaming to the delight of fans of retro franchises.

A remake in the works

If you're a fan of Shinobi, you may know that a remake is currently in development by Lizardcube, the studio already behind Streets of Rage 4 to name but one.

Rediscover Shinobi on Recalbox

If you own the games, many Shinobi titles are playable on Recalbox, opuses having been released from 1987 to 2002 on emulated consoles (Arcade, Mega Drive, Amstard, Atari, Game Gear, Game Boy Advance ...).

Neo Geo

Sat Jan 04 2025

An official PS3 emulator in sight? Implicit Conversions calls on SONY

If you're a PlayStation Plus Premium subscriber, you'll know that this subscription gives you access to a selection of classic games from previous PlayStation generations.

Resident Evil, G-Police, Ridge Racer Type 4, MediEvil, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, PaRappa the Rapper 2 and many more invite you to dive back into the hits that have marked the history of the SONY brand.

These titles can be played on PS5 and PS4 thanks to emulators built into the consoles. The only exception is the PS3 games, which can only be streamed via the cloud. There are two reasons for this.

The first is that the PS3 is not so old as to require the resources and energy to emulate it, as long as the streaming works.

The second reason is more technical: the PlayStation 3 is notoriously difficult to emulate. The high-performance emulators available today require a top-of-the-range PC, a level of power that was once beyond the reach of the PS4, but is now more accessible on the PS5.

Remember: the complex architecture of the PS3, and in particular its Cell processor, caused quite a stir when it was released. This processor requires considerable computing power and meticulous software optimisation. Developers at the time complained about it, and today it represents a major challenge for emulation.

However, the studio Implicit Conversions could well change all that. Little known to the general public, this studio is behind the ports of classic games available on PlayStation Plus Premium.

Their website makes a promising statement in their roadmap: "Researching and prototyping the possibility of a PlayStation 3 emulator package for Syrup ’. This initiative could lead to an official emulator for PS3 games.

All that remains is to wait for a response from SONY to find out whether this project will receive their support.

PlayStation 3

Sat Jan 04 2025

When a CAPTCHA turns DOOM into a hellish challenge

Many websites regularly ask you to prove that you are not a robot by means of a CAPTCHA. This system is used to distinguish humans from bots before a connection is made, using visual and behavioural recognition (mouse movements) or logical resolution.

If these tests seem boring, the company Vercel, run by Guillermo Rauch, offers an original alternative: a CAPTCHA that invites you to... play DOOM.

This ‘DOOM CAPTCHA’ works using a WebAssembly version, which means that no downloading is required. The game runs directly in your browser and asks you to eliminate three enemies by using the arrow keys to move and the space bar to shoot.

However, what might seem fun at first quickly turns out to be frustrating for some Internet users, including retrogamers. The reason? You start with a simple pistol and have to face some particularly punishing enemies. The game seems to be set on the Ultra-Violence, or even Nightmare difficulty level, which requires bots' reflexes to prove that you are indeed flesh and blood.

The concept quickly gained in popularity. The link has been shared in many retrogaming communities, and you've probably come across it on the Recalbox Discord.

If you want to die to give it a go, head over to this address!


Fri Jan 03 2025

Sonic Galactic: a fan-made demo of impressive quality available

Fans united under the name Starteam have just released the demo for Sonic Galactic, an unofficial Sonic title of disconcerting fidelity and quality.

Lasting around 40 minutes, the demo lets you play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Fang the bounty hunter and Tunnel, a mole. The protagonists will have to traverse fast-paced platform levels, take on bosses and explore 2D worlds faithful to the series' heritage, all in beautiful pixel art.

But the developers haven't taken the easy way out: in addition to the platform phases, they've included 3D sections and broken new ground with enemies, mechanics and level design never before seen in the series.

On their website, the developers point out that this is not an official Sonic or SEGA product (an important clarification given the quality) and explain:

"Sonic Galactic is a fan-made interpretation of what a 2D side-scrolling game in the Sonic series might have looked like on 5th generation 32-bit hardware. With its clean backgrounds and fluid animations, the game aims for an aesthetic that pays homage to the best of the era.

Think of this game as a what-if scenario: an imagining of what Sonic Team could have produced on the SEGA Saturn!

Although the hardware limitations of the time have been taken into account, Sonic Galactic draws on many inspirations, not limiting itself to what the systems of the time could do, nor to what SEGA would necessarily have achieved.

With new areas, new concepts, new characters, a new setting and many other additions, Galactic aims to offer a unique take on the classic 2D Sonic formula, while continuing the story and gameplay of the classic Genesis/Mega Drive games".

As Time Extension points out, this production follows in the footsteps of fan-made Sonic games. It's all the more pleasing to note that SEGA is ‘letting it ride’, adopting a radically different policy to Nintendo, which is very keen on protecting its intellectual property.

If you're interested in the demo, it's available for free at this address.

Sonic Galactic

Fri Jan 03 2025

Atari surprises with Gamestation Go, a nod to the past revisited

At CES 2024, Atari briefly presented a handheld console without giving many details. Since then, there has been no news from the retrogaming community, leading to speculation that the project might be abandoned.

But that's not the case! Atari has just posted a video on its X account unveiling the Gamestation Go, a handheld console that, at first glance, looks familiar in its design, while displaying some intriguing features.

Atypical design

The first surprise is the absence of a joystick on the right-hand side of the console, an unusual choice for a modern handheld console. Instead, there is a 12-key numeric keypad. Just above this are the four classic action buttons, backlit like all the buttons on the console.

The left-hand side features a joystick, a D-Pad and a trak-ball. The latter is nothing new for Atari, who had already offered this feature on the Atari 2600.

Photo: Digital Game Museum

A nod to the past

These design choices seem to indicate that the console is partly dedicated to iconic Atari titles. The numeric keypad could be used for games such as Star Raiders, Defender, Codebreaker or Total Carnage. The trak-ball is reminiscent of classics such as Centipede and Missile Command, which already used this accessory back in the day.

What's more, Atari could enhance this offering with its vast library of retro games, recently augmented by the acquisition of Intellivision. This acquisition includes over 200 titles from Intellivision Entertainment LLC, which could make the Gamestation Go even more relevant.

Connectors and features

In terms of connectivity, Atari is sticking to the classic: an HDMI output (suggesting that it will be used as a controller connected to a TV set), a mini-jack headphone socket, a microSD card slot, and two USB-C ports for controllers 1 and 2.

Still some mysteries to unravel

For the moment, it's difficult to say more about the exact nature of this console. Atari did not provide any additional details in its presentation video. However, the wait shouldn't be long: the Gamestation Go will be presented in greater detail at CES 2025, which starts on 7 January.

Gamestation Go