

Thu Sep 28 2023

The Raspberry Pi5 is here!

Raspberry announces the Pi 5!

The Raspberry Foundation has made it happen: 4 years after the release of the Pi4, here comes the all-new Raspberry PI 5. This new iteration of the Raspberry Pi promises more power in a size that's as compact as ever, while still keeping the price affordable. So let's take a closer look at what it has in store.

Technical specifications

Powered by a quad-core Broadcom ARMV8 Cortex A76 processor clocked at 2.4 GHz, the Pi5 is claimed to be 250% faster than a Pi 4!

On the GPU side, it has a brand-new Broadcom VideoCore VII GPU capable of hardware decoding of H265 at 4k60FPS. This means you can seamlessly manage two 4k60 screens via HDMI.

In terms of RAM, there will be two versions, 4GB and 8GB, clocked at 4267 MHz. 2GB and 16GB versions are due to arrive in early 2024.

Another particularly eagerly awaited new feature: the Pi5 finally has a physical button that can be used to switch it on and off! The Foundation is even confident that it will soon be able to add a deep sleep mode via this button!

On the connectivity front, there's plenty of new features too, including, in no particular order: 1 fan connector Two CSI/DSI ports (for connecting high-definition screens or cameras) 1 UART connector 1 PCIe ×4 connector (non-standard connector for space reasons) 1 RTC battery connector GPIO pins Gigabit Ethernet 2 USB3.0 (each with an independent controller) 2 USB2 (each with an independent controller) 2 Micro-HDMI (as on the Pi4) Hat PoE pins

On the other hand, many of you will notice and regret an annoying disappearance from the Pi4: the disappearance of the JACK connector (audio and video). While this is not a total hindrance (you can always plug in a small USB sound card, or use a HAT), it is understandable that some people are disappointed to see that Raspberry is following in the footsteps of the iPhone, Samsung and others in no longer offering a plug & play analogue output... Shame.

The foundation is also announcing the availability shortly after the release of a HAT adding an M.2 connector.

For wireless connectivity, the same configuration as the Pi4 is used: Dual band 2.4/5G Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0 and BLE.

An official case, with fan, will be available for the release, as well as a radiator+fan kit for those not using the official case.

Release date

Expected to be released in 2024, the Raspberry Pi 5 is now available for pre-order on the website of our partner, and the first wave of deliveries should arrive in October 2023. The price range should vary from €49 to €99 depending on the amount of RAM, with a 'standard' 4GB model advertised at around €70 excluding accessories.

Is Recalbox compatible?

We've been working hard for months to bring you a Raspberry Pi 5-compatible image of Recalbox. An experimental version is already available in the download section of the site!

This experimental version already allows you to see the changes in terms of performance on the Pi5, but as its name indicates, it remains experimental, and the performance of the various emulators may be improved and the bugs corrected before the release of stable version 9.2 of Recalbox.

Recalbox RGB Dual

Unfortunately, the Raspberry Pi 5 has lost its jack, and with it its PWM driver. According to the foundation, a PWM driver may appear again in the near future, but in the meantime, the Recalbox RGB Dual will not be compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5, unless you have a USB sound card with a jack output and an external amplifier.

Recalbox RGB Jamma

We know you're anxious to get your Recalbox RGB JAMMA back, but after talking to several of you, it's clear that support for the new Raspberry is worth waiting a little longer for.

Check out the KissKissBankBank project news for more information!

Raspberry Pi 5
hot news

Fri Sep 01 2023

Latency and input lag in videogaming

This article is a continuation of the one previously published on Latency and Input Lag on Arcade in JAMMA

The previous article focused on the Recalbox RGB Jamma, this one will be more general about video games.


We regularly hear about input lag and latency problems, particularly in retrogaming.

I'm sure you've come across it when dying in a game and blamed it, in infinite bad faith, on the developers who supposedly coded the game with their feet.

Everyone will feel it in their own way, but in general it's the most demanding gamers (professionals and heavy gamers), or people who want to recapture the original experience, who are most sensitive to it.

What is latency and input lag?

Simply put, latency is the time between pressing a button on your controller, and its visible action on screen, which can vary according to a number of factors.

For puzzle games or turn-based RPGs, it often has little impact on the gaming experience.

However, for faster games that require you to work your reflexes, such as shooters, platformers or fighting games, it can have a greater or lesser impact on the gaming experience.

By misuse of language, we often use the term Input lag when in fact it's only one component of overall latency.

Latency, or lag, can be broken down into three components:

Input lag: As its name suggests, input lag is the delay associated with input. It's the delay between the moment you press a button and the moment the signal reaches the console.

Process lag: This is the time it takes for the system/console to change the state of the game by applying the joystick event.

Video lag: Display lag is the time it takes for your screen to display the video signal supplied by the console.

Latency is usually measured in milliseconds (ms), but it can also be measured in frames.

What elements produce latency?

The controller

The controller (joystick, keyboard or mouse) you use can have an impact on latency.

If you have a no-name, low-cost, poorly designed controller, it won't help, far from it, because the electronics will be generic, inexpensive, and not necessarily designed for this use.

A good controller will have suitable electronics, designed for gaming and therefore reducing this input lag as much as possible.

Secondly, any wireless connection will physically add to input lag, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the type of connection used (mainly 2.4GHz or Bluetooth), and can add a few milliseconds of lag.

Infrared can also be found on older consoles, but is no longer used, as it has a number of drawbacks.

The hardware on which the game runs

In the case of hardware emulation via FPGA, the big advantage is that it emulates the original hardware at hardware level, and therefore without any conversion overlay to a third-party architecture, giving it a process lag equivalent to that of the original hardware.

Software emulation, on the other hand, is more variable: depending on the quality and implementation of the emulation, the complexity of the original hardware, and the computing power, you can get more or less close to the original hardware.

It should be borne in mind that the design of the original hardware remains largely non-public information, so we can only reverse-engineer it to deduce its behavior, and so emulation can hardly be perfect.

The primary aim of emulation, however, is to get as close as possible to the behavior of the original hardware.

The various adapter boxes.

This is not the case for everyone. If you use a box or cable, for example, to connect an original console to HDMI (known as a "scaler ”), or conversely if you use hardware to convert a digital signal to analog, depending on its design, this can add video lag. An HDMI splitter (to send the video signal to different screens) can also play on this video lag.

Similarly, if you're using a box to connect your old joysticks via USB, this can add input lag, depending on its design.

I think you'll have gathered that anything you add between you and your screen, in addition to the console, can potentially add latency.

If you really need this type of box or cable, especially for scalers and splitters, I suggest you watch the videos on the English-language youtube channel RetroRGB, which tries to test as many of these solutions as possible to identify the best ones.


The screen you use will also have an impact.

By the way, the youtube channel RetroRGB mentioned above has also carried out tests on this subject. As for CRT screens in general, there's no noticeable video lag. One exception is the latest generation of CRT screens, known as HD or 100/120Hz, which can add video lag during processing if these operating modes are activated.

Modern screens, on the other hand, more often cause problems. If you plug an old console directly into a modern screen (SCART, Composite, S-Video or Component), the screen will process the signal, transforming the analog signal into a digital one, and enlarging it to a definition that better matches the screen definition. But this processing takes time, and often affects the quality of the original image. It's often in this case that we think our vintage games were ugly, but it's actually partly the fault of the processing done by our screen (as well as the fact that CRT screens display the signal differently).

In addition to this, especially on modern TV screens, there can be a video lag added by “Cinema Mode” (or other) treatments, which has no impact when watching a movie, but is important for video games in general.

How to remedy it

For the joystick it's not going to be complicated, quite simply, choose a quality joystick, or a latency-free usb controller. This will guarantee good design quality and thus reduce input lag as much as possible.

Likewise for the joystick, choose wired** rather than wireless connections if you want to reduce input lag as much as possible.

For the screen, if possible, avoid any conversion made by your screen, and stick to the same type of signal throughout the chain. For example, connect an analog console (the consoles of your childhood) to a CRT screen that was made for it, and keep your flat screens only for connecting devices operating digitally via HDMI (Raspberry pi, PC, recent consoles, etc.). On these same flat screens, remember to activate the “Games” mode, often present, which will deactivate all potentially lag-adding processing.

Ideal for flat screens are gaming-oriented PC screens, which are designed to reduce these processing times as much as possible (generally between 1 and 5ms of added lag).

As for Recalbox on Raspberry pi, it can operate in both modes, in native digital mode and therefore connected to a modern screen (flat screens) via the HDMI socket, or in analog mode via the mini-jack socket (but with average signal quality) or via the Recalbox RGB Dual, designed specifically for this purpose.

If you can't or don't want to stick with a 100% analog channel for your old consoles, use a scaler made for video games. Avoid the cheap scalers, which are better suited to watching movies but not at all to video games. What's more, some of them are not compatible with RGB signals.

When it comes to emulation, the first thing to do is apply the latest emulator, core or system updates to take advantage of the latest optimizations and improvements. This is done simply by updating your recalbox.

In Retroarch (from which Recalbox inherits a number of cores and functionalities), there are options for reducing latency, by taking advantage of the computing power of our computers, and by calculating certain elements in advance, to adjust the delay and compensate for the delay that may be caused by the various elements in the chain.

How we work to reduce latency on Recalbox

As Recalbox is a software emulation solution, we are concerned by these latency problems and do our utmost to match the original hardware as closely as possible.

But before embarking on headlong development, we first need reference data, and to this end we've carried out a number of measurements.

Measurement methods: what already exists

Several methods exist for measuring latency. Depending on the method used, different components of latency can be measured.

To measure the input lag of a controller, you can use an oscilloscope to measure this lag precisely. More information on this method is available at this address. We used this method to check our input lag measurements.

It's possible to calculate display latency, using the 240p test suite, via its lag test (on the original console or in emulation), by visual comparison (using a camera), with two screens connected to the same source, it's possible to compare the difference in latency between the two screens. If this is done using a CRT screen as a reference (which has negligible display latency), it then becomes possible to calculate the display latency of a particular screen.

Other methods also exist, for example to measure display lag on a screen using Time Sleuth, which outputs a signal via HDMI and, with the help of a phototransistor, reads this signal and measures the display delay on the screen.

As these methods are not always easy to use, sometimes requiring expensive equipment, or are not comprehensive enough, we have also created our own tools, which we have compared with existing methods to check that they work properly.

Measurement methods: our developments

To better meet the need, we went so far as to develop our own tools to simplify these measurements.

First, we developed a software program to test input lag on a Raspberry Pi, which can be integrated and run on any distribution, including Recalbox.

All you need is a Raspberry Pi, a controller, some soldering to connect directly to the controller via the Raspberry Pi's GPIO port, and the program does the rest.

You can find the source code and documentation at this address.

Below are the input lag tools in operation, with the oscilloscope for comparison:

Secondly, we developed hardware: The Latency Bro. This enables us to take two types of measurements: input lag, and end-to-end latency (from button press to screen display), all autonomously.

It takes the form of a card plugged into the buttons on the controller/stick, with a USB port (for input lag measurement and power supply), and a phototransistor to detect a color change on the TV screen (when the controller is pressed). To measure latency, we ideally use the 240p test suite, which offers a test that switches from black to white when the joystick is pressed.

The Latency bro then displays the latency measured over one or more tests (with automatic averaging).

Here's an overview of the latency bro in operation:


We carried out measurements on various controllers/handlers, and also compared original hardware and emulation under Recalbox.

Input Lag

As you can see from the measurements taken, the controller used can add almost up to one frame of delay (for those tested), which is very little in itself, but you need to look at the whole chain right up to the display to see the full impact on the user.


For latency, we compared two consoles, and their equivalent in emulation on Recalbox: the Playstation 1, and the Super NES, in 60Hz on all hardware.

To be exhaustive on the emulation side, we tested different cores with different parameters.

The Playstation 1 controller used was connected to Recalbox via a “NoName” USB adapter.

On the hardware side for emulation, we used a Raspberry Pi 4 with a Recalbox RGB Dual, these measurements were taken in 2022, so we don't yet have measurements on the Raspberry Pi 5. We'll be taking measurements in the future on this more recently arrived card.

We'd also like to thank @FFVIMan who carried out the lag test for the Super NES hardware.

Following these tests, we can see that the average latency, which we used as a reference, for these two consoles is 41 ms for the PS1 and 30 ms for the Super NES.

In the various tests carried out, you'll also see that we've worked to find the parameters that best optimize the emulation to get closer to the reference for each console. As emulation quality evolves over time, these settings are bound to evolve in order to optimize them.

To simplify the task and give you back the experience of the original hardware, we've pre-configured this in the form of an option to be activated in the menus dedicated to Recalbox RGB Dual, under the heading “Reduce Latency”.

In fact, these options will no longer be limited to *RGB Dual/JAMMA users from recalbox version 10 onwards, and you'll be able to activate them easily even via HDMI.


Emulation is often accused of being the source of latency. However, with the right configuration, the latency added by the emulator becomes imperceptible. Add to this low-latency controllers and a suitable TV/monitor, and Recalbox offers you a solution that comes as close as possible to the original experience. New and even more effective options are coming in version 10!

In any case, I hope this article has enlightened you on the subject of latency.

input lag
by kid

Wed Jul 19 2023

Latency and Input Lag on JAMMA Arcade

Since the release of the Recalbox RGB DUAL and even more so since the launch of the Recalbox RGB JAMMA campaign, many of you have been asking questions about input lag.

Input lag is a serious and highly technical subject, which for some remains an eternal debate.

Many talk about it, but few really master the subject. In the midst of fantasies and preconceived ideas, we felt it was vital to provide you with a transparent, factual, technical and rational explanation. That's what we're going to try to do in this blog post!

Before we get down to the technical side of things, let's talk a bit about semantics, to make sure we understand what we're talking about.

What is input lag?

Input lag is a term that's become a bit of a catch-all when it comes to defining a game's reaction time after an action on your part.

Here, we prefer to use the more appropriate term global lag.

To put it simply: global latency is the time it takes for your character to react, when you press a button on your controller.

But behind the term overall latency, there are actually 3 very distinct phases :

  • input lag, in the literal sense of the term, which corresponds solely to the time it takes for the emulator to register the press of a key. This time can vary enormously depending on the controller, protocol (wired, USB, i2c, Bluetooth...), emulator configuration or operating system you're using.
  • process lag, which is the processing time taken by the emulator to generate a new frame according to the event received
  • video lag, which is the time between your console sending the video signal and its display on screen. This is your TV's processing time. Video lag is considered to be non-existent on CRT screens, although it can vary depending on the configuration of your HDTV.

So, you might ask: how can we measure all this in a factual way? Well, quite simply with precise tools and methodologies!

  • input-lag-tools will enable us to specifically measure controller-related input lag.
  • an oscilloscope will enable us to measure the sum of input lag and process lag.
  • finally, the Latency Bro will enable us to measure the famous global latency as a whole.

1 - Measuring input lag

First, we're going to concentrate on input lag. To do this, we're going to try out different controllers and arcade kits, and compare the results obtained according to the systems used.

To do this, we've created a loop: a button on the joystick or arcade panel is connected to one of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins.

The Raspberry Pi will then be able to press the button itself, just as a gamer would. All it has to do is time the time elapsing between pressing the button... and receiving information from the system that the button has been pressed.

Of course, each of these measurements was taken dozens of times, to obtain a precise average input lag for each of the controllers tested.

Here's the results table.

In the left-hand column, you'll find the controller or arcade stick used, then its connection type, followed by the card and operating system used, to finally find the average input lag, and the percentage chance of missing a frame (of having a frame lag).

There are a number of interesting findings to be gleaned from these results.

As you can see, even wired controllers are not all in the same boat, with some generating more input lag than others.

What's more, the tests show that the connection protocol used has very little influence on the results. It all comes down to controller design and operating system optimization.

Even if the results are generally convincing for the USB protocol, it nevertheless shows its limits. It is indeed very difficult to go under 1ms with a USB connection. This is a limitation directly linked to the USB protocol: USB communication takes place in the direction PC/RPi to controller. The Raspberry sends a request to the controller at a given frequency to retrieve the status of the buttons: this is known as "polling".

It's precisely to free ourselves from this technical limitation that we have chosen to use another process on the Recalbox RGB JAMMA: interrupts.

When the controller detects a change of state on a button, it instantly notifies the Raspberry Pi of this change.

This is one of the reasons why the Recalbox RGB JAMMA performed so well in this test!

2 - Measuring process lag

With the first step, we've determined the time between pressing a button and it being taken into account by the system.

Now let's move on to measuring process lag, i.e. the time it takes for the system to process the event. Or, to be more precise the time taken for the system to generate a frame, i.e. an image, after receiving a button press event, such as a jump.

Using an oscilloscope, we can measure the time between pressing the button and sending the RGB signal to the screen.

The test protocol is as follows:

  • a probe (yellow line) is placed on the button that will be used to change the image, and will therefore pick up the falling edge (the button press)
  • a second probe (green line) is placed on one of the RGB signals. It reflects the RGB signal transmitted to the monitor. In RGB, the signal of a completely black frame will be transmitted as a sequence of 0v values, i.e. a flat line. For a white screen, with pixels at their maximum brightness, the signal goes wild and rises to 0.7V.
  • For a better interpretation of the results, we're going to use the 240p Test Suite, which allows us to switch from an all-black to an all-white screen.

We'll then be able to measure the time between pressing the button and the image change.

The measurement in video :

It's in this situation that we can understand the effort made on Recalbox RGB JAMMA to reduce input lag to less than 0.5ms.

It's time to solve a little math problem:

If the 20.6ms of latency above contains 0.5ms of input lag on the Recalbox RGB JAMMA, what latency will a JAMMA controller with 10ms of input lag suffer, at the very least?

However, these measurements are laborious and difficult to repeat. That's why the Latency Bro was born.

3 - Measuring overall latency - Switching to arcade and JAMMA solutions

Measuring input lag and process lag is all well and good, but everyone will agree that what we're really interested in is overall latency!

So we're going to measure overall latency, i.e. the complete time that elapses between pressing a button and the corresponding change in image, whether on a CRT or LCD screen.

To achieve this, we have designed the Latency Bro, an electronic circuit capable of pressing a button itself, and measuring the time until a change of image is detected on your TV, thanks to a photosensitive cell. This cell is capable of detecting a change in brightness created by the CRT screen beam or by the brightness of pixels on an LCD screen.


It is therefore possible to measure overall latency accurately and universally, both on original hardware and on emulation systems.

We had three objectives when we designed the Latency Bro and measured latency on the hardware that follows:

  • to answer your questions about the latency of Recalbox products (RGB DUAL and RGB JAMMA)
  • take stock of latency on the arcade
  • configure and optimize your Recalbox system using precise measurements
  • and once and for all, put an end to this misguided notion of "debate" on a problem that is clearly measurable and improvable.

Here's how we went about measuring latency on the various systems:

  • we start by accessing the service menu
  • place the cursor on the "GRID" menu entry
  • press button 1 to display the grid
  • we'll measure latency
  • then we'll press the START button and button 1.

Disclaimer: For the sake of objectivity, all measurements were made by @gtranche from HFSPlay, on his New Astro City with MS9 29 board. Many thanks to him and to HFSPlay for their time and support.

Here's a look at the latency bro in operation:

Boards tested :

We tested these jamma boards:

Test number 1: CPS2 + Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X

We start this procedure with the original hardware, here a multi CPS2 on which we've "written" the Super Puzzle Fighter 2 X rom ( We'll use this to establish a reference time, enabling us to compare other solutions and measure the latency they add.

Result: 80.7 milliseconds! It seems a long time to go from one screen to another, but it doesn't matter, because we now have our reference value on which to base the rest of our measurements.

For each of the Raspberry Pi to JAMMA boards, we decided to take the first measurement with a vanilla installation (without touching any configuration), as many users don't risk modifying the advanced lag options.

However, if options to reduce input lag are available in the system concerned, we activated them to see their impact on latency.

Here's the result, sorted in ascending order of latency:

As you'd expect, in first place in the solutions compared with the original hardware, the mister is very close to the original latency. Beware, however, of the joysticks you use, some of which may add milliseconds you could do without.

In second place, the Recalbox RGB JAMMA adds only 6.70ms or less than half a frame of delay. The default configuration of Recalbox RGB JAMMA, to which we've added run-ahead, brings us within a few milliseconds of the original CPS2 experience.

By deactivating Run Ahead, the Recalbox RGB JAMMA is positioned in 3ᵉ position with an addition of 20.80ms, or 1.25 frames of delay on average in its Vanilla configuration!

The RGB Pi Jamma, meanwhile, is +43.90ms, or 2.63 frames late, which can start to make itself felt on the most nervous games.

Finally, RPI2JAMMA, which was tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 (as it doesn't support RPi4), adds over 4 frames of latency. This can undoubtedly be improved with emulator configuration, but lag improvement options were non-existent at the time of testing.

Technical note: what is Run Ahead?

Run Ahead is a retroarch option that "pre-calculates" any frames that may be generated as a function of controller events. When an event is received, the pre-calculated frame is used directly, rather than having to be calculated on the fly.

So it's really useful, but not compatible with all games/systems.

About the Raspberry Pi

To make it easier for you to find your way around and compare solutions on the Raspberry Pi, we've simplified the results tables.

The first table simply compares the frames added in the fastest configuration for each solution:

And the second compares frames added by vanilla latency:

Test number 2: CPS3 + Street Fighter 3 Third Strike

No original hardware here, and the mister is out of the running as he doesn't (yet?) support CPS3.

So we measured latency on different Raspberry Pi solutions.

First observation: the latency to switch from one screen to another is much closer to what we expected on a menu as simple as the menu service: 20ms for the Recalbox RGB JAMMA with Run Ahead, which is very close to the display time of a frame at 60HZ (16.66ms).

And it's the Run Ahead coupled with the Recalbox RGB JAMMA's very low input lag that puts it in first place. The measurements will be updated once we've managed to recover an original CPS3 :)

The lack of vanilla configuration for JAMMA SD or RPI2JAMMA places them much further down the table, with delays of between 3 and 4 frames compared with Recalbox RGB JAMMA in Run Ahead.


We're delighted to have been able to put numbers, methodologies and test protocols in place for this blog post, but our mission to streamline input lag has only just begun.

And in the next steps, we'll have to :

  • continue to improve the Recalbox system to reduce latency on CRT as on HDMI
  • measure other systems and consoles, other controllers, and why not gather all this information on a specific site
  • send a few prototypes of the latency bro to anyone who'd like to have them, so that we can double-check the results.

If you've read this far, well done! All that's left is to thank you once again for your support in the Recalbox project, which would be nothing without you!

input lag
recalbox rgb jamma

Sat Jun 17 2023

Recalbox RGB Jamma & Recalbox 9.1

Lots of new features

Recalbox, the free, open source emulation solution, is back with the release of its latest version, Recalbox 9.1, this Sunday June 18. This version brings a host of major new features, which should delight fans of retro video games! The new version 9.1 of Recalbox is available this Sunday: discover the latest additions to the emulation platform preferred by retrogaming fans! But that's not the only new feature. After more than six months of work by the Recalbox team, we're going to bring emulation and retrogaming into the era of the ARCADE on JAMMA cabinet, setting new standards in terms of fidelity, precision, reactivity and accessibility.

RECALBOX RGB JAMMA: Recalbox in your JAMMA arcade cabinet!

With Recalbox 9.1, coupled with the new Recalbox RGB JAMMA module, you can now easily enjoy all the power and user-friendliness of Recalbox, directly on a JAMMA-compatible vintage arcade cabinet! With Recalbox RGB JAMMA, rediscover the sensations of the arcade, pixel-perfect, without any configuration on your part! Just plug in and play. It's that simple!

Discover Recalbox RGB JAMMA on KissKissBankBank !

Indeed, the main criticisms levelled at all JAMMA + Raspberry Pi solutions are their complexity, lack of fidelity, limited compatibility, prohibitive price and limited availability...

With Recalbox RGB JAMMA... ...IT'S HISTORY! ⤵⤵⤵

Recalbox RGB JAMMA, what is it?

Recalbox RGB JAMMA is the new module (H.A.T. - Hardware Attached on Top) that simply clips onto your Raspberry Pi4, Pi400 or Pi3, giving your Recalbox... the ability to connect to any JAMMA-standard arcade terminal!

What is JAMMA?

JAMMA is a connector that appeared in the 1980s, standardizing the connection of the various signals in arcade terminals. Changing the game without changing the whole arcade has become both child's play and a real revolution!

Recalbox RGB JAMMA - Highlights :

  • Plug and Play ZERO CONFIG: you plug it, you play!
  • 15kHz pixel + frequency perfect: display rigorously identical to the original
  • < 0.5ms input lag: the lowest input lag ever recorded!
  • 3/6-button mode: original or modified JAMMA compatible
  • KickHarness CPS1: the most widely used kick harness
  • Mono 15 Watts amp: send mono sound to the jamma...
  • MONO/STEREO switch: ... or stereo on an external amp!
  • JACK output
  • Raspberry Pi 4/400/3 compatible
  • TATE vertical mode support
  • 40mm fan slot
  • Hotkey Patterns (= multiple functions on one button, such as quit, credit, menu...)
  • Voltage Barrier: 5v/12v compatible for coin/service/test buttons
  • Resin case (optional)
  • OLED display for video signal frequency/resolution (optional)
  • Automatic launch of the game of your choice at start-up for a dedicated terminal!

Technology approved by almost 5,000 retrogamers!

Recalbox RGB JAMMA inherits the same technology as Recalbox RGB DUAL, used today by almost 5,000 users worldwide, and unanimously acclaimed.

With Recalbox RGB JAMMA, you're assured of unrivalled picture and sound quality, and that every game is launched with its own display mode and era. All games, all platforms, no configuration required.

RECALBOX RGB JAMMA: Where? When? When? How?

As with the Recalbox RGB Dual and the Modder Brothers project, we're relying on the KissKissBankBank crowdfunding platform for the launch of Recalbox RGB JAMMA. A campaign launched at the same time as the release of Recalbox 9.1, for a period of one month.

Campaign objectives :

Finance design and production at a competitive price Send the first components by the start of the 2023 school year Support the Recalbox project ... Save the last JAMMA arcade machines of our childhood!

Recalbox 9.1

Of course, Recalbox 9.1 isn't just for those with arcade machines - it's got something for everyone!

New supported hardware

On the hardware front, Recalbox 9.1 is now compatible with Anbernic's new RG353M, RG353P and RG353V portable consoles. These high-quality handheld consoles offer the same emulation capabilities as a Raspberry Pi 4. Their HDMI output makes them the ideal (trans)portable Recalbox solution!

Recalbox 9.1 now also supports the new "PiBoy XRS" Raspberry Pi 4 box, the "horizontal" version of Experimental Pi's PiBoy. With its large battery and HDMI output, you can enjoy the performance of your Pi4, wherever you are!

Tate mode

A major new feature of Recalbox 9.1: vertical TATE mode management on HDMI and CRT screens (via Recalbox RGB DUAL/JAMMA) IN ONE CLICK! The fruit of a great deal of development work, Recalbox automatically detects your "vertical" games, and suggests whether you'd like to run them "normally" or in full-screen vertical mode if you've rotated your screen. You can also set the entire Recalbox system to vertical mode... with just one click!

Even better: with Recalbox 9.1, you can easily switch to TATE mode with automatic button rotation on Odroid and Anbernic handheld consoles!

Downloading games directly from the interface

Recalbox 9.1 brings an eagerly-awaited new feature: a download manager! Among the first contents available: a game downloader for free games from the WASM4, Vectrex, UzeBox and TIC80 systems. But that's just the beginning...

Quick Savestates selection at launch

Recalbox users have been eagerly awaiting this feature: the ability to launch a game directly from the savestate! Practical, fast and very ergonomic, with its little miniature created at the time of saving, this option makes it very easy to pick up your game exactly where you left off, without the risk of making a mistake!

New systems

As a strong supporter of the indie / homebrew scene, Recalbox 9.1 also features 2 new systems closely linked to the indie / DIY scene: the Arduboy and Wasm-4! WASM-4 is a virtual game console that lets you create small games using WebAssembly, while the Arduboy is an Arduino-based portable game console powered by open source software.

And much more...

Recalbox's many improvements include more ergonomic management of the Super Game Boy. Compatible GameBoy games (often identified as "SGB Enhanced" in their filenames) featured an interface and display optimized for color play!

To take "retro" immersion even further, Recalbox now offers a "CRT-Curved" display option, which, as the name suggests, offers a resolutely retro "curved CRT screen" image rendering, directly on your HDMI output... truly stunning!

With over sixty new features, enhancements and deep optimizations, the release of Recalbox 9.1 is great news for all retrogaming fans, who will now be able to enjoy an even more complete and enjoyable gaming experience, with improved functionality and extended compatibility. And thanks to the legendary simplicity and accessibility of Raspberry Pi nanocomputers, Recalbox is now easier and more affordable than ever.

by kid

Tue May 16 2023

Modder Brothers by Recalbox : 3 days left

The Modder Brothers by Recalbox crowdfunding project is coming to an end. The minimum goal of 6000€ to help us has been reached, but it's not over yet, any additional help will allow us to do even better. You still have 3 days to participate in this campaign.

What is Modder Brothers?

ModderBrothers by Recalbox is a range of accessories for repairing and modding (modifying) your retro computers and consoles. ModderBrothers by Recalbox aims to offer you a maximum of existing mods (available in open source/open hardware of course) but also original and innovative ones, created and assembled by enthusiasts, uncompromising on quality!

All the original mods created will have their plans, schematics and sources made public and free, to facilitate their accessibility, under an OpenHardware license.

By supporting us through this fundraising campaign, you will give us the possibility to create these first models, but also to consider developing many new innovative products, such as new composite and RGB mods, Action Replay type cartridges for ZX-Spectrum and C64/C128, flashcards for several consoles, memory extensions or even memory replacement cards to repair and give life back to your old computers... The list of projects is already long!

What if I'm not interested, but I want to support the project?

We have thought of you for that too. We have added to our campaign the possibility to receive a set of 4 "Versus" coasters (reversible) made in PCB for 20€ (+ shipping costs).

What's next?

This funding is just the beginning, we plan to open a permanent shop to make these mods available at attractive prices, and others that we are already developing.

We already have more than a dozen new mods in R&D, and we're exploring new possibilities every day. We'd need 72-hour days to show you everything!

At the end of the campaign and once all the rewards have been sent in, the shop will open its doors with a maximum of stock and different mods.

How to participate

You can find more details and participate in the funding on the project Kickstarter page.

For non-English speakers, we have also put on our official website a French translation of the Kickstarter page.

Modder Brothers
by kid

Fri Apr 07 2023

What is emulation ?


Emulation in a general way is the fact of recreating the behaviour of a specific hardware (e.g. a video game console) by transcribing its functioning to run the games (or programs) developed for this hardware, on another type of hardware initially not compatible (e.g. a computer, a smartphone).

Emulation will often try to reproduce as closely as possible the original behaviour in a more or less successful way. It may slow down the game if it lacks power or requires optimisation, but it can also improve the result, for example by improving the fluidity of a game or its graphic quality for a more modern and pleasant rendering.

This emulation can be done in two ways, software emulation and hardware emulation.

Software emulation

This is the most common form of emulation. In this case, a program (an emulator) will be developed, which will transcribe the behaviour of the original hardware into a language that your computer can understand.

This is what is found in Recalbox, all versions, on all media (Rapsberry Pi, PC, Odroid, etc.).

But it can be found in other contexts. If we stay in the field of video games, for example, on the Nintendo Switch Online service, which includes access to old games, these run on emulators developed for the Nintendo Switch. This is also what Sony uses to run older generation games (notably ps1 and ps2) on their newer consoles.

Hardware emulation

This form is much less common because the hardware required is expensive, and the work to develop an emulator is more complex than software emulation.

Developers usually rely on FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) which are chips containing programmable logic, which are programmed to behave exactly like the original hardware.

This is what is found in the DE10-Nano board (a small board like a Raspberry Pi but including an FPGA) which is used as part of the MiSTer FPGA system for console emulation.

On what basis are emulators created

As you will have understood, emulators will try to recreate the behaviour of the original hardware as well as possible. Depending on who develops it, several sources of information are used to create and improve these emulators. There are two main cases.

Documentation of the original architecture

One can rely, if one has access to it, on the architecture documentation of the original hardware. The disadvantage in general is that these documents are rarely public and therefore often the only ones who can use them are the manufacturers of the original hardware. It is however the easiest way to replicate the original behaviour.

This is what is usually used by manufacturers like Nintendo in their emulators. This statement is not always true depending on the manufacturer and the documentation they have left from the time.

It sometimes happens that some of these architecture documents leak and end up on the internet, against the will of the manufacturer. Emulators available to the general public on the internet, such as those present in Recalbox, do not rely on this information, as there is a high risk of being illegal due to the fact that they are stolen documents.


This is the case that we will encounter on Recalbox and on all emulators developed by individuals or teams of enthusiasts, without the agreement of the original hardware manufacturer.

For the development of the emulator, the developers will do what is called retro engineering and will therefore simply rely on what is publicly available, mainly the original hardware, and sometimes its software (firmware or bios) which may have been extracted from the hardware.

This involves analysing this to deduce the behaviour, both at the hardware and software level. This may sometimes involve completely dismantling the original hardware, or occasionally even destroying certain chips in a controlled manner to observe them in detail.

Is it legal

The legality of emulation will depend on the laws of the country you are in.

For example, in Japan, the laws are very protective of manufacturers in this aspect and emulation of old video game consoles is totally forbidden (apart from the one proposed by the manufacturers), and all Japanese youtubers and streamers for example have to play only on original hardware.

In many other countries, like France or the United States, emulation is often legal, and the usage of roms will be conditioned to the different laws, or if the copyright owner has given you the authorization to use it (sometimes with payment).

This will be the case for the games included in Recalbox for free, for which the authors have kindly authorized us to redistribute them. You can find the list of these games at this address

Sometimes manufacturers even use what has been developed by the community in terms of emulation, such as Sony and its Playstation mini, which itself uses an open source emulator: PCSX ReARMed.


The bios is a firmware that corresponds to the software loaded on the hardware and allowing the console to operate. The bios is generally a proprietary software of the hardware manufacturer and cannot be provided with the emulator publicly if it is necessary.

Some of these bios are freely accessible, such as those included in Recalbox, and the others remain private data and it will be up to you to extract them from the original hardware.

However, they are not always necessary for the emulators to work properly, some developers have succeeded in reproducing their behaviour in the emulator's code, always by reverse engineering.

Roms, Roms quality and groups

A ROM (Read Only Memory) is the program containing the game you wish to play. It is necessary to play the game via an emulator. It can either be extracted from the original media (cartridge, disk, etc.), or be read directly by the emulator, provided you have the right equipment.

For those of you who retrieve roms from the internet, you should know that, depending on the extraction method used, the roms are not always a perfect image of the original media, and therefore the quality of the emulation may be impacted or not work at all with some poor quality roms. Some roms have also been modified by teams of dumpers (those who extract the roms to publish them) to insert their signature in the code or even add an additional intro to the game.

Some groups of enthusiasts have also set themselves the goal of developing methods to extract roms from the original media, without altering the content, in order to help preserve these old games, and the video game heritage more broadly, and to catalogue them.

For example, the no-intro group started this project because of the dumpers who were adding intro to cartridge games (hence the name of the group).

More information about these groups can be found in our wiki at this address.

Quality of emulation

Emulation of a system is rarely perfect because you are trying to reproduce the behaviour of the original hardware on a completely different hardware. Some emulators have greatly improved in quality over the years of development to have a rendering extremely close to the original, especially for emulators of consoles dating from the 16-bit and previous generations.

However, some hardware being more complex from a hardware architecture point of view, and also more recent, for example the Sega Saturn and the Nintendo 64, the work for the developers is more consequent to arrive at a result close to the original.

Below, for example, on the left is an image taken directly from a Nintendo 64 and on the right is an image of the first public version of the Nintendo 64 emulator for the Switch, on the game Zelda: Ocarina of time, you can clearly see the difference in the treatment of the fog and the rendering of the water.

Lesser known or less popular consoles are also often less well emulated because fewer people are looking at them.

It may therefore sometimes be necessary to use different emulators for the same console depending on the game you are playing in order to have better compatibility.

Emulation and Recalbox

Recalbox relies of course on these emulators to integrate the consoles, some of them are even developed by members of our community or our developers.

To integrate an emulator (or core) in Recalbox, we impose some rules on ourselves. The emulators we integrate must be open source, just like Recalbox is, and we only add to Recalbox consoles whose commercial life is over. Finally, we only integrate an emulator if its overall performance is correct for retrogaming in good conditions.

For the same console, you will often see several cores appearing, which we make available to you in order to increase the chances of finding the one that will make your favourite games run as closely as possible to how they run on original hardware.

The world of emulation being in constant development, Recalbox's mission is to test and offer you the latest versions of the best emulators.

by kid

Wed Mar 22 2023

The Super NES


The Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES (Super Famicom in Japan), is a 16-bit generation console designed by the Japanese company Nintendo. Released in 1990 in Japan, 1991 in North America and 1992 in Europe, it is the replacement for the aging NES, which was beginning to lose market share to Sega's Megadrive released 2 years earlier.

The SNES was very popular and sold over 49 million units worldwide. It introduced many technical improvements over the NES, including more detailed graphics and a wider colour palette, the well known Mode 7 which allows sprites to be rotated and zoomed.

The console also introduced new game genres, including JRPGs which were exported, and horizontal scrolling racing games.

The SNES was launched with titles such as Super Mario World, F-Zero and Pilotwings, all of which were major commercial successes. Other popular games for the console include The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country and Chrono Trigger.

The SNES was also the first console to include online gaming capabilities, thanks to the Satellaview network gaming system, which was launched in Japan in 1995.


The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) came with a standard controller that has four action buttons, a directional pad, L and R buttons and Start and Select buttons. The SNES standard controller was designed to provide precise and intuitive control for games. It was so innovative that it is often used as a reference when talking about retrogaming. Two versions of the controller exist, with only the colour of the buttons changing to match the local colours of the console.

As a successor to the NES zapper, we also find the Super Scope, which is a little larger and sits on the player's shoulder. Only a dozen games have been developed for this accessory.

There was also the Super Advantage arcade stick, which allowed you to experience the arcade feeling on your SNES.

The Super Nintendo Mouse was originally created for the Mario Paint game but over 60 games are also compatible with it. Most of them, however, were exclusive to Japan.

Other controllers have been released by Nintendo (including a wireless controller) or under official license, but are less common.


The console has undergone several revisions over its lifetime, mainly to reduce the cost of production.

The original SNES was produced in several versions, notably the shell was different for North America. Several revisions of the motherboard were made to reduce the size and cost of production. The best known of these revisions in retrogaming circles is the so-called SNES One-Chip (or SNES-1C), which combines the previously separate CPU, PPU1 and PPU2 on the same chip. It is known to output the best video signal, as well as natively generating an RGB signal (if the right cable is used).

The SNES Jr. (Super Famicom Jr.) came later, released only in Japan (1998) and North America (1997), is a more compact version of the original SNES.

The Super Famicom Box is actually a pay-to-play box, only available in Japan and available in hotel rooms.

The Japanese manufacturer SHARP marketed in Japan only a television set directly integrating a Super Famicom, under the name Super Famicom Naizou TV SF1. It was sold in two sizes: 14 or 21 inches diagonal.

A final version of the console was developed jointly by Nintendo and Sony, but remained only at the prototype stage. This model was intended to add a CD-ROM drive to the SNES. Due to contractual and other disputes, it was never produced, and this is what prompted Sony to enter the console world with the Playstation.

Add-ons and extensions

Only one add-on was developed for this console by Nintendo. It was the Satellaview, marketed only in Japan, which connects directly to the bottom of the console. It connected to a network of satellites that provided access to news, audio and video reports, as well as games in the form of episodes updated once a week. The first game broadcast via Satellaview was BS Zelda no Densetsu, a remake of the first Zelda.

Apart from the addons, it was possible to improve performance, especially graphics, via the cartridge port and some games included extra chips for this. The first game to take advantage of this was StarFox (or StarWing depending on the region), in 1993, which integrated the Super FX chip into the cartridge, allowing the console to handle 3D. A second, more powerful version of this chip was produced, the Super FX 2. Only three games benefited from it: Doom, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Winter Gold. With the release of the modern SNES Classic Edition, the game Star Fox 2, using this chip, but cancelled at the time, was added to the list.

A third party manufacturer, Bandai, also managed to get permission to develop a cartridge addon, Sufami Turbo, on the condition that they cover all costs (manufacturing, distribution, etc.). This was only marketed in Japan and consisted of a cartridge with two ports to insert smaller cartridges. The game was played from the first slot. The second cartridge, of another game, was optional and allowed to add content to the game loaded in the first slot.

End of life

The SNES was marketed until 1999 in North America, 2000 in Europe and 2003 in Japan, and was gradually replaced by its successor the Nintendo 64.

It was the arrival of the next generation 32-bit (and above) consoles, with better graphics and performance, that accelerated the end of the console's life.

The SNES was sold and supported until 1998 after more than 10 years of life. It ended its life due to a lack of interest from developers and gamers in favour of next generation consoles (Playstation, Nintendo 64, Saturn), which did not prevent games from being released during its last year (Sonic R and Phantasy Star Collection).

Although the SNES is no longer produced and game production for the console has all but ceased, the SNES is still considered one of the most influential consoles of all time. It is widely admired for its superior library of games, which includes titles such as Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Super Metroid.

Today, the SNES is often considered a classic console and is enjoyed by gamers of all ages. There are even modern reissues of the console, such as the SNES Classic Edition, which allow gamers to play SNES games on a modern TV.

by kid

Tue Feb 21 2023

Recalbox 9 is available

Recalbox 9 is available !

Recalbox, the free & open source emulation solution is back with the release of its latest version, Recalbox 9, on Friday, February 24th. This version brings a lot of new features, which should delight fans of retro video games!


On the hardware side, Recalbox 9 is now compatible with the brand new GPi Case 2W from RetroFlag, which we had the opportunity to compare to the previous GPi Case 1 here.

Among the most important new features, version 9 of Recalbox introduces an in-depth rewrite of Bluetooth, improving the pairing of audio devices. The pairing of controllers is now fully automatic at first startup, and the pairing has been drastically optimized!

In addition, retro shaders make a comeback, offering full immersion in the games of yesteryear. Kodi compatibility has also been improved, with support for 4K resolution on Raspberry Pi 4/400 and enabling hardware video decoding on Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 and Pi zero 2.

Recalbox RGB DUAL users also benefit from significant improvements, such as the addition of a multi-resolution calibration screen, HDMI priority to easily switch between Scart and HDMI, better compatibility thanks to the addition of ten or so extra emulation cores, as well as several PAL/NTSC modes, and 240p@120Hz resolution for 31kHz screens... among a dozen other optimizations!

A strong supporter of the indie/homebrew scene, Recalbox 9 also includes the demo of the upcoming HIT Mega Drive game ASTEBROS, the prequel to "DEMONS OF ASTEBORG" by the French Neofid Studios, as well as the GameBoy game Pong Recalbox Edition, developed by Studio 40A. Finally, Recalbox 9 also includes the addition of new emulation systems, such as the Philips VG5000, the Z-Machine system, and the Macintosh system, and the controller shortcuts are now operational on GameCube / Wii, offering a more ergonomic gaming experience than ever before.

PC users are not forgotten, for all those playing on a computer with an iGPU (Intel HD/Iris Graphics...) and a dedicated Nvidia graphics card, Recalbox will now prioritize the graphics card instead of the one integrated in the processor, without any action on your part, to enjoy the games in the best conditions.

Available in preview since November 2022 for people who support us on Patreon, Recalbox 9 is the result of a collective work, between suggested improvements/optimizations and addition of new features requested by our Patrons. As a reminder, our users can support us via our Patreon and enjoy many advantages (early access to new versions, access to ultra-fast scrap servers, retrogaming playlists, discounts at our partners...).

With more than 60 new features, improvements and deep optimizations (see attached changelog), the release of Recalbox 9 is great news for all retrogaming fans, who will now be able to enjoy an even more complete and enjoyable gaming experience, with enhanced features and expanded compatibility. And thanks to the legendary simplicity and accessibility of Raspberry Pi nano-computers, Recalbox is now easier and more affordable than ever.

REMINDER: despite supply difficulties, we would like to remind you that the Raspberry Pi are regularly in stock at the (only) official reseller in France,, at prices a lot cheaper than the prices charged on all MarketPlace currently.

Full Changelog

  • Add 240p theme as default for GPiCase 1
  • Add kodi resolution menu selection and dynamic resolution for CRT
  • Add libretro-pcsx rearmed for OGA/OGS
  • Add new category 'Demoscene' in tic80 games downloader.
  • Add the possibility to sort games by release date.
  • Add Philips VG5000 emulator (RB5000, a new Recalbox's emulator based on DCVG5K)
  • Recalbox RGB DUAL:
    • Add multiple resolution calibration screen
    • Add HDMI priority option in recalbox rgb dual to switch between Scart and HDMI
    • Add neogeocd, picodrive and pcsx rearmed, cores for Recalbox RGB DUAL
    • Add snes9x2002, 2005, 2010 and bsnes support for Recalbox RGB DUAL
    • Add region selection for satellaview, sufami, amiga 600, amiga 1200
    • Add fceumm core support for nes and fds
    • Fix rtype resolution for 31kHz
    • Add new arcade game support for 15kHz.
    • Add mupen64plus glide64mk2 support
    • Add multiple PAL/NTSC modes
    • Add 240p@120Hz frontend resolution for 31kHz screens
  • Add game Pong Recalbox Edition by Studio 40A on gameboy
  • Fix resolution selection in frontend for Raspberry Pi 4/400/3/Zero2 (KMS)
  • Add new system 'Macintosh' with new core libretro-MinivMac (RPi3/RPi4/XU4/OGS/PC)
  • Add support for nVidia Prime Offloading (for computers with both iGPU and nVidia GPU)
  • Enhance shader support by setting multi threaded renderer when shader enabled
  • Add new system 'Z-Machine' with new core frotz
  • Add new Kodi theme for lower resolutions
  • Add Raspberry Pi Touch Display case support for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4
  • Add RetroFlag GPi2W case support with only Raspberry Pi Zero2 board


  • Improve metadata storage, using far less memory for huge game collections
  • Bump libretro pcsx-rearmed
  • Bump libretro gong
  • Bump libretro fuse & add new supported file extensions
  • Bump libretro bluemsx
  • Bump libretro neocd
  • Bump libretro race
  • Bump libretro uae4arm
  • Bump bebeem
  • Bump retro8
  • Update of the theme for the X68000 system
  • Add support for BCM20702, BCM20703, BCM43142 bluetooth chipsets
  • Bump libretro gPSP
  • Bump libretro genesisplusgxwide
  • Bump libretro Beetle Lynx
  • Bump libretro Opera
  • Bump libretro fbneo
  • Bump libretro uae
  • Bump libretro dosbox-pure
  • Add support for 4k video in Kodi for Raspberry Pi 4
  • Enable H/W video decoding for Raspberry Pi 4, Pi 3 & Pi zero 2
  • Improve AppleIIGS configurator & add eXoAppleIIGS config support
  • Improve bluetooth devices pairing
    • Audio devices can be paired in sound settings
    • Joysticks and joypads will be automatically paired on first boot
    • No more pairing menu, just start discovery on your joystick and select "Pair a bluetooth contoller"
    • Detection and pairing stays in background for 5 minutes


  • Fix crash libretro pcsx-rearmed for x64
  • Add .wia file extension for Gamecube and Wii + .gcz for Wii.
  • Fix pad 8bitdo Pro 2 mode D (Android)
  • Fix bad overlay showing when save on exit is enabled on retroarch
  • Fix support for Ultimarc IPAC 2
  • Fix internal scraper saving path before actual media
  • Fix resolution selection in frontend for Raspberry Pi 4/400/3/Zero2 (KMS)
  • Controllers recognized as Xbox in Dolphin (GC/Wii) have their hotkeys working
  • Fix pause menu in the game for libretro pcsx_rearmed
by kid

Sat Jan 21 2023

The Mega Drive

This article is part of a series of short articles that we propose to make you (re)discover some consoles or computers emulated in Recalbox.


The Mega Drive, also known as Genesis in North America, is a 16-bit generation console designed by the Japanese company Sega. Released in 1988 in Japan, 1989 in North America and 1990 in Europe, it was designed to counter its competitor Nintendo which offered at its release the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) which dominated the market.

The American name of Genesis was changed mainly because the rights on the trademark "Mega Drive" were already taken by another company.

The Mega Drive was a commercial success, selling almost 40 million copies. The marketing campaigns were very aggressive and wanted to target an audience older than its competitor by targeting teenagers. You have surely heard of the slogans of the time in France especially with the slogan "Sega c’est plus fort que toi" ("Sega is stronger than you") and in the rest of the world "Sega does what Nintendon't" (or "Genesis does what Nintendon't" for North America).

It has been critically acclaimed for many popular games, including the Sonic Team games (The Sonic Series, Ristar), Gunstar Heroes, Golden Axe, The Legend of Thor, Sun, and many others.

In addition to the Games developed on the Mega Drive, it was backwards compatible with the games of the Master System by inserting the Sega Power Base Converter.


The console came out with a 3-button controller which is the one we've all known. All games released on the console are compatible with this controller, even if the ergonomics for games provided for 6 buttons is not always ideal (eg passage through key combinations, or press the start button to switch on the other 3 buttons).

In 1993, Sega released an improvement to it to add 3 additional buttons, as well as a mode button. The goal was to improve ergonomics, especially on games being ports of the arcade, which often worked with 6 buttons. The mode button allowed the controller to operate in 3-button mode to improve compatibility with some older games.

Other controllers were released by Sega or officially licensed, but were less successful.


The console has undergone several revisions throughout its life, mainly to reduce the cost of production:

The Mega Drive 1 is the initial model, known for the quality of its sound chipset.

The Mega Drive 2, more compact and released in 1993. This model has been designed mainly to save costs, at the expense of sound quality and image rendering.

The license-built Mega Drive 3 was released at the end of the console's life in 1998. It is not compatible with the various existing add-ons.

The Nomad is a portable version of the Genesis, it was only marketed in North America from 1995.

The Multi-Mega, released in Europe and North America in 1994, it includes the Mega Drive, as well as its Mega CD add-on.

Other models, mostly built by third-party manufacturers, were also manufactured.


To extend its lifespan, two additional add-ons have been developed for the console.

The Mega CD (or Sega CD in North America) is an add-on developed by the Japanese Sega teams, adding a CD-ROM drive (audio and games), released in 1991 in Japan, in 1992 in the United States and in 1993 in Europe.

Two versions of this add-on exist, the first, bulky is compatible only with the Mega Drive 1, the second, more compact, is compatible with the Mega Drive 1 and 2.

The second, the 32X, was however developed by the Sega of America teams and incorporated additional processors whose purpose was to transform the console into 32 bits. Released in 1995, this module uses specific cartridges.

Finally, a last add-on was released in 1992, limited to Japan only. This allows you to add a Karaoke feature. The Mega CD Karaoke, as its name suggests, works in conjunction with the Mega CD and is attached to the left of the latter

End of life

The Mega Drive was sold and supported until 1998 after 10 years of life. It ended its life due to lack of interest from developers and players in favor of new generation consoles (Playstation, Nintendo 64, Saturn), which did not prevent games from being released during its last year (Sonic R and Phantasy Star Collection).

by kid

Wed Jan 04 2023

Analog signals, RGB and Recalbox

As many of you know, the Recalbox team has developed a module (also called Hat) compatible with Raspberry pi3, pi4, pi400 and pi Zero 2W, the Recalbox RGB Dual.

Basically, on these boards, Recalbox can be connected to screens in different ways, digital via the HDMI port (micro-HDMI for pi4 and pi400, mini-HDMI for pi Zero 2W), or analog via the mini jack to RCA connector (pi3 and pi4 only).

Digital signals are natively supported by modern flat panels, however cathode ray tubes (or CRT), for which games up to the generation of 64/128-bit consoles were specifically developed, do not support this type of signal, and are only compatible with analog signals.

Recalbox RGB Dual allows you to bring to your Recalbox the possibility of being connected to two types of additional analog outputs, SCART (Euro-SCART) and VGA (D-SUB - DE-15) and, as its name suggests, the Recalbox RGB Dual allows you to transmit an RGB signal.

But what is this RGB signal and how is it different from other possibilities like the composite output present on all Raspberry pi with the jack output.

Different types of analog connectors

There are many types of analog connectors on the market. The list below summarizes the different connectors encountered in the general public (other types of specific connectors exist in the professional environment).

F Plug (Antenna connector)

A single coaxial cable with Type F connector. This type of connection was much more common in North America (USA, Canada). On a single cable, both audio and video signals pass, which strongly impacts the quality of the rendering, it is generally the one that gives the worst final rendering to the screen

RCA Composite

Three RCA connectors Red, White (for stereo sound) and Yellow (for video signal). The video (and synchronization) signal being separated from the sound signals, the quality of the rendering is superior to a signal passing through an F plug

Quite widespread in Europe, arrived later in North America (arrived from the generation of 16Bits consoles).


A 4-pin connector carrying only the video signal (the sound passing through a separate RCA connector)

The video signal is separated into two lines, Intensity (or Luminance – coupled with synchronization) and Color (or Chrominance), which reduces the worries of degradation of the video signal compared to a composite signal.

Euro-SCART (Scart) and JP-21

These two connectors are identical but not compatible because the internal wiring is different. They consist of a 21-pin connector. The Euro-SCART connector corresponds to the format used in Europe and was mandatory on all TVs sold in France since 1980 (and until 2015), while the JP-21 connector is widespread in Japan and Korea.

It is a connector that can pass several types of signals, there are also on the market composite adapters to SCART or S-Video to SCART, however these passive adapters do not improve the quality of the initial signal.

The audio signal passes in stereo on two dedicated pins.

On the other hand, thanks to the many pins present, it is possible to transmit more complex signals, such as an RGB signal.

The RGB signal passes through three different pins the different red, green and blue colors needed, as well as a synchronization signal (horizontal and vertical) of the image on a fourth pin.

This synchronization stream can come from different signals sometimes existing depending on the source: Composite video as sync: Retrieves the composite video stream directly to use only the synchronization information. The video stream, however, can interfere with the synchronization stream Sync on luma: retrieves the signal from the S-Video luminance stream Csync: contains only the synchronization signal and is therefore not subject to interference from another signal passing through the same pin, it is the one used by Recalbox RGB Dual

It is this connector coupled with an RGB signal, synchronized in Csync, which makes it possible to obtain the best rendering on a cathode ray TV.

DSUB - DE-15 (commonly known as VGA)

This 15-pin connector is prevalent especially on computer screens, and is generally absent from CRT televisions.

It transmits an RGB signal on three pins like the scart, as well as two separate synchronization signals (horizontal and vertical) on two other pins.

YPbPr (commonly known as Component or YUV)

Composed of three cables with RCA connectors for video streaming (sound passing through a separate RCA connector).

This format is more prevalent in North America and arrived on the generation of PS2/Gamecube consoles. It is a connector that has arrived on the end of life of CRT screens and is also present on flat screens. The video signal is separated into three distinct streams: Y: Luminance and synchronization Pb: Difference between blue and luminance Pr: Difference between red and luminance

The signal for the green color is generated by deduction with the other three data.

This signal separation improves video quality compared to the S-Video connector and allowed some TVs to display higher resolutions such as 480p.

Other info

The RCA Composite format is the most widespread in the world.

This is why nowadays PVM screens (CRT screens for professionals, mainly television control rooms and the medical community) supporting RGB are selling a fortune in this region, as in Europe, and that "RGB Mods" for televisions are numerous.

Europe and Japan were very lucky to have the best in connectivity (peritel) and signal (rgb) for televisions.

Recalbox RGB Dual

The Recalbox team always seeks to allow you to play in the best conditions, the only connectors retained by the team correspond to the only ones allowing to pass the RGB streams, with the best possible quality, in analog, to CRT screens, and easily available to the general public: the SCART and VGA connectors.

Regarding the synchronization on the SCART connector, it is done via a Csync signal, coupled with an RGB signal to have the best possible video stream via this connector. The CSync signal is created very precisely by combining the two synchronization signals in the Pixel Factory of the Recalbox RGB Dual.

It should be noted, however, that analog signals are much more sensitive than digital signals to external interference. It is therefore advisable to use good quality cables (VGA or SCART), ideally with shielding on each wire inside the cable, to reduce the risk of disturbance.

If you were hesitant to take a Recalbox RGB Dual and this article convinced you, you will find more information and the possibility to order one on this page.

Attention : As indicated in the list above, the cabling of the JP-21 format is different from the Euro-SCART format, so it is necessary to use a SCART to JP-21 adapter to be able to connect Recalbox RGB Dual to Japanese or Korean hardware.

PS : On modern displays (flat panels) you may have VGA or SCART connectors. It is recommended on these screens to stay on an HDMI digital connection. The signals passing through the analog connectors of modern screens are transformed into digital by the screens in order to adapt it, which induces a loss of image quality, in addition to adding input lag when you play.

Recalbox RGB Dual
by kid

Tue Jan 04 2022

Recalbox RGB Dual: The story

As you may have read, we have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund Recalbox's first hardware project: Recalbox RGB Dual

Recalbox aims to make retrogaming simple and accessible, and allows everyone to rediscover and transmit their passion for video games.

The Recalbox RGB Dual takes these values of simplicity and accessibility even further: it allows you to play your games on a CRT TV, without any configuration.

Today I'd like to tell you the story of the project.

Phase 1: Recalbox support on CRT

The Recalbox RGB Dual project was born with one intention: to make the "pixel perfect" experience simple and accessible, i.e. to have the game render exactly as it looked at the time.

(by @Cyril2.0)

The first lines of code on the Recalbox CRT project were released in June 2021. To start with, we had to unblock the situation on Raspberry Pi 4: there was no solution to play CRT from the Raspberry Pi 4. But luck was with us: @cpasjuste had already worked on a small program allowing to output an RGB signal from the Raspberry Pi 4.

Once the first image was displayed on my CRT TV, the big CRT work could start! Several elements needed a lot of work:

  • creating the configuration system: Recalbox had to decide when and how to send the right signal to CRT.
  • the creation of the database of resolutions, frequencies and configuration per console and per game: Recalbox had to be able to select the signal according to the game launched.
  • support for dynamic mode switching in emulators: emulators should be able to switch modes depending on the region of the rom.
  • modification of the Recalbox theme for low resolution display.

Quickly helped by @toniosj who took in charge the configuration of the display modes and the emulators options, the list of supported games and consoles in pixel perfect was quickly extended...

Phase 2: The birth of the Recalbox RGB Dual

Recalbox was becoming an increasingly successful solution for playing on CRT. However the existing solutions, despite all their qualities, did not allow me to meet our criteria of simplicity, integration and quality.

So I picked up the phone and called @Bkg2k to suggest we embark on this crazy adventure: **create our own H.A.T. to offer a unique user experience on Recalbox + CRT!

A H.A.T. that would offer support for ALL 15kHz and 31kHz games, that would be plug and play, and that would display an incomparable image and sound quality.

A few hours after this call, the first prototype, hand-soldered, was born!

This was followed by a long series of evolutions and tests that led us to create 4 different versions of prototypes. With, each time, an improvement and corrections:

  • Prototype 1 was all screwed up.
  • Prototype 2 corrected the Boom Box.
  • Prototype 3 added the Pixel Factory and the automatic configuration chip.
  • Prototype 4 added the features requested by the community: resolution switch, wake up button and fan power.

Each development phase was reviewed, validated and above all corrected by our "Chief of Electronic Technical Officer" @Emandhal. Each of his tracks, each of his copper plans was for us like a work of art that had nothing to envy to the inventions of his predecessor: Da Vinci.

Phase 3 : The Kickstarter

The prototypes were ready, the quality was there, the Recalbox system was already on its way to be 100% CRT compatible. It was time to present our project to retro gamers all over the world! Great novelty for the team, to use a crowdfunding platform to propose to everyone to support the project.

The writing of the campaign page was quite fluid: believing at 1000% in the project whose story we want to tell helps :D The challenge was rather to explain the features of the project without putting you to sleep with too technical considerations...

With the help of @atomik_recalbox we imagined and produced the videos and visuals that accompanied the campaign at launch. Thanks also to @Pit64 for the captures, to @CommanderOcto for your support and for the posters and cards of the Recalbox 8.0 Event.

Before starting the campaign, we sent prototypes to a number of players in the retrogamer community so they could get an idea of the quality and experience that Recalbox RGB Dual offered. The goal was to present the project from our prism, but also to let the French retrogaming community tell you what they thought about it. And what a pleasure to see the first videos released the night the project was announced!

Thanks again to @Elardramora, @Cyril2.0, @oldschoolwasbeautiful, @HFSPlay and @retrojeux for their presentation and test videos of the Recalbox RGB Dual day one !

Friday 03/12/2021: THE QUACK

It was necessary to have one, and it happened on this day.... Kickstarter is a guarantee of quality and relevance for projects that require participatory funding. To protect contributors and support creators, they proceed to a meticulous verification of each project. This verification took a little more time than expected and led us to postpone the launch of the campaign a few days after the announcement of the project...

Anyway, on Friday evening we announced the project during the live event that accompanied the release of Recalbox 8.0-Electron. And what a welcome from you! More than 400 registrations on the mailing list to participate in the financing at the opening of the campaign in only one evening. Huge.

We used the opportunity of the Recalbox 8.0 Release Event which took place on December 4th and 5th, the day after the announcement of Recalbox RGB Dual, to expose and test the Recalbox RGB Dual to the community! Once again, the feedback was unanimous: it rocks 🚀

(picture by @Soriya)

Surrounded by the cream of retrogaming, we also had the opportunity to hand over the controller to @Jarm0u and @FFVIMan, two regulars of Super Mario World SNES and Super Mario Kart SNES. Guess what?! Very little or no difference with the original hardware according to their feedback 🚀

@Jarm0u, @akkeoss and me testing the input lag (picture by @Soriya)

The Kickstarter campaign was able to get off to a great start on Wednesday, December 8th because you supported us with 20,000 euros on that first night. What a pleasure to see that all this work is bearing fruit: the "niche" project was perhaps not so much :D

As the number of contributors increased, some very relevant ideas were brought up by the community. Ideas that talked about buttons to turn on the Rasbperry Pi when it is turned off. Ideas about being able to connect your fan to the H.A.T., etc...

And as you know we listen to your ideas! So we decided to add 3 features on the board if funding levels were reached: frequency selection switches, a wake-up button and pins to power your fans!

In addition to the hardware part, we continued to work hard on the system : @davidb2111 @Bkg2k @Pit64 @Akkeoss @gugue_u @PierreC - RétroSalon and all the beta testers worked like crazy on Recalbox 8.0.1, even during the kickstarter campaign !

Since the last version presented, Recalbox now supports the choice of frequency at game launch (50Hz, 60Hz, AUTO). This allows you to play PAL games in 60Hz and in full screen ! A little Zelda A Link To The Past in French AND in 60Hz AND in full screen, how about that?

And a lot of new features are coming very soon, stay tuned!

To finish, here we are already almost two weeks after the end of the campaign! 1492 contributors and 88 000€, it's a huge success for the Recalbox project and for the team!

And nothing would have been possible without you who read us, who supported us, on this campaign or on the Recalbox project, since always.

So once again:


recalbox rgb dual

Fri Dec 03 2021

Recalbox 8.0-Electron is available !

Nothing can stop Recalbox!

Recalbox, the famous operating system dedicated to retrogaming will release this Friday, December 03, 2021 at 9pm CET in its new version "8.0-Electron"! More than six months of work have been necessary for the team of volunteers to propel emulation and retrogaming into a new era, establishing new standards in terms of fidelity and accessibility. More free and open source than ever, here is a summary of major changes of Recalbox 8.0


RECALBOX RGB DUAL : Recalbox… on your old CRT TVs!

With Recalbox 8.0 coupled with the new Recalbox RGB Dual module, you can now easily play all games and consoles on your CRT TV and recreate the exact sensations of your childhood!

Recalbox 8.0 now 100% "Pixel Perfect" thanks to Recalbox RGB Dual, with an image STRICTLY IDENTICAL to the original consoles!

Indeed, the main reproach made against all emulation solutions is that they can only be played on modern HD screens. Until today, playing on a CRT screen could only be done at the cost of a lot of configuration or the purchase of expensive and often unavailable hardware.

With Recalbox 8.0…


Official release of Recalbox RGB Dual!

Recalbox RGB Dual is a brand new module (H.A.T. - Hardware Attached on Top) that just clips onto your Raspberry Pi4, Pi400 or Pi3, giving your Recalbox... two new video outputs: SCART and VGA!

Recalbox 8.0 paired with the new Recalbox RGB Dual allows it to produce an analog signal 100% "Pixel Perfect", EXACTLY MATCHING the original consoles of the time, with zero configuration!

IT'S SIMPLE: Recalbox RGB Dual is the fidelity of the original works on a CRT screen, combined with the power, ergonomics, and ease of use that have made Recalbox internationally renowned!

Recalbox RGB Dual is a module that simply clips onto your Raspberry Pi4, Pi400 or Pi3!

Recalbox RGB Dual - Key points:

100% Plug and Play and integrated with Recalbox Compatible with all systems supported by Recalbox First Raspberry Pi 4 / Pi 400 / Pi 3B/3B+ compatible CRT solution Easy and ergonomic Recalbox interface Respect and fidelity of the original games TV 50hz/60hz compatible 15KHz signals on SCART (31KHz on VGA in W.I.P.) Automatic selection of the original resolution and framerate of the games Audio filter on both channels Automatic selection of the AV channel RGB signal 240p optimized theme Support Recalbox project Cleanest video sync signal Designed by the Recalbox team, for Recalbox.

Click here to know more about Recalbox Rgb Dual

RECALBOX RGB DUAL : Where? When? How ?

The release of Recalbox RGB Dual is an important step in the life of Recalbox, an open-source project composed only of passionate volunteers. That's why we will rely on the KICKSTARTER crowdfunding platform to ensure the launch of Recalbox RGB Dual. A campaign launched at the same time as the release of Recalbox 8.0, for a period of one month.

SATURN on Raspberry Pi 4!

26 years after its release in France, and after exceptional recent advances in emulation, Sega Saturn is coming back to life and finally arrives on Recalbox on Raspberry Pi 4! This is an opportunity to rediscover its incredible catalog of games, often unknown, because the best titles have unfortunately never gone beyond the borders of Japan... The results are particularly impressive. The 2D games run perfectly at 60FPS, as for the 3D games, most of them run between 40/50 FPS. And we don't despair about the increasing performances with future optimizations! (Yabasanshiro's "auto-frameskip" function is well done and allows you to enjoy most of the games without slowdowns).

The Sega Saturn is now supported by Recalbox on Raspberry Pi 4 and PC !

PlayStation 2 is coming to Recalbox for PC!

21 years after its release in France, the PlayStation 2, Sony's sixth generation console, is now available on Recalbox for PC! Find all the sensations of the best-selling console in the history of video games (more than 150 million copies have been sold!), with -- according to Sony -- more than 10,000 games available on this console... enough to occupy your long winter evenings! We provide the latest version of PCSX2, with CHD support and a compatibility level of over 98% thanks to the hard work of the emulator developers.

98%+ compatibility, thanks to PCSX2!

Recalbox 8.0 compatible with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W !

The brand new ultra-compact board "Raspberry Pi Zero 2W" from the Raspberry Pi foundation is now fully managed by Recalbox! Very cheap (around 15€), this board makes Recalbox even more accessible, either in a GPi Case for a "portable" use, or as a mini home console, with its performances very close to the Raspberry Pi 3. It will be the ideal card for small budgets, or people who don't necessarily want to play 3D games again (if you play in a GPi Case: the PS1 and the N64 work very well!) (WARNING : Switching from Pi Zero to Pi Zero 2 W in a GPi Case requires a reinstallation of Recalbox)

What a boost for Retroflag's GPi Case!

Recalbox 8.0 on Pi-Boy DMG !

If you are in love with the GameBoy, but the GPi-Case (which runs on Raspberry Pi 0 / Pi 02W) is not powerful enough for you, you will fall for the Pi-Boy DMG from Experimental Pi! This "box-screen-loudspeaker-battery-and-much-more" allows you to easily transform a Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+ or even 4 into a portable retro game console. Simply flash the standard image according to your board and Recalbox configures everything for you! AMAZING!

With the PiBoy, you have the power of a Pi4 everywhere with you!

New SYSTEMS added!

Many new systems were added to the nearly 120 systems already supported in Recalbox :

  • Sega Saturn : 26 years after its release in France, Sega's Saturn is coming back to life and has finally arrived on Recalbox on Raspberry Pi 4! An opportunity to rediscover its incredible catalog, whose best titles have unfortunately not crossed the borders of Japan...
  • Playstation 2 : Sony's second console, the Playstation 2 is the best-selling game console in history. With more than 10,000 titles released on it, you'll have something to occupy your afternoons! (PC only)
  • TRS80 CoCo (for Color Computer) : Following the first series of TRS-80, from which it does not take the Z80 processor, the TRS80 runs 6809 from Motorola (same CPU as thomson MO5/TO7/...) and has a colour display. More known across the Atlantic than in Europe.
  • Dragon 32/64 : European clone of the TRS80 CoCo. These are the same machine (except for a few details), 99% compatible with each other. The games are on cartridges, K7, and floppy disks (we recommend cartridges, easier to use). The games are rather simplistic, but you can still find the well known titles of this time. In order not to disturb users, both systems have been added to Recalbox 8.0: TRS-80 CoCo and Dragon 32/64.
  • TI-99/4A : The only one computer from Texas Instrument, running a CPU from... Texas instrument. The machine is very old (pre-80), so the games are related. Titles like Frogger and PacMan clones take the lead. These new TI-99/4A, Dragon 32/64 and TRS80 CoCo emulators handle joysticks perfectly. Fully playable with the joystick without any configuration. Thank you Recalbox!
  • BBC Micro : We are proud to offer exclusively on Recalbox, the port of Beebem, a BBC Micro emulator, a very popular machine in England. (The sound part is not yet functional but it's coming soon).
  • LowRes NX : Virtual console that allows you to create your own retro games in classic BASIC very easily! Lots of tools are included if you are a beginner. Advanced users can let their imagination run wild!

With over 120 supported systems, Recalbox is THE solution to preserve the video games of our childhood!

New EMULATORS added! !

Many new emulators were also added to the hundreds of cores already in Recalbox, for more compatibility, precision, and ease!

  • Hatari : Supports all models (ST, STE, MegaST, MegaSTE, TT, Falcon) and support for different bios per model (exclusive to Recalbox). This feature is also carried over to the libretro-Hatari core (but libretro-Hatari does not support MegaST and MegaSTE has only partial support). Also added a multi-model open-source "universal bios". (ST now works out-of-the-box!)
  • Uae4ARM : This is like Amiberry, but with the libretro/Retroarch config for those who prefer. This core can start WHDLs faster than Amiberry. With Amiberry upgraded to version 4.1.5, and the new Uae4ARM core, playing Amiga, CD32 and CDTV games has never been easier, thanks to Recalbox 8.0!
  • Daphné Singe : It's Daphne + support for "American Laser Games", including the famous shooting game "Mc Dog McCree" (require manual configuration for lightguns)
  • GenesixGXPlusWide : The emulator that turns your Megadrive 4/3... into a 16:9 Megadrive (with more or less success depending on the games). Really impressive!
  • Duckstation : New emulator, which allows among other things to have the PSX running perfectly on Odroid Go Advance / Odroid Go Super, even on the most demanding games.

With +120 systems supported, Recalbox is definitely THE solution to preserve the video games of our childhood!

Overlays available upon installation !

Always more plug 'n play, Recalbox 8.0 continues to make your life easier by including dedicated overlays for all systems! As a reminder, overlays are graphic layers that allow you to fill in the black bands on the right and left sides inherent to the launch of 4:3 format video games on 16:9 TVs (and of course, if Recalbox is launched on 4:3 screens, they are automatically disabled) Useless... therefor indispensable ! (easily disabled in 1 click, as always !)

Play Mega Drive BIG !

Thanks to the addition of the Genesis Plus GX Wide core, you will be able to rediscover all your Mega Drive games... in 16:9, without any image distortion! All games are not (yet) compatible, but the emulator does some miracles: it allows it to interpret, load, and display more information on the screen, thus filling a 16:9 screen with a game initially planned for 4:3, without distortion and without changing its aspect... As brilliant as it is breathtaking!

The Megadrive is good. The Megadrive XL is great!

Compatible with the latest Mega Drive HIT !

The event of the summer 2021, the incredible Megadrive action-adventure game with notes of MetroidVania "Demon of Asteborg" is now playable from Recalbox 8.0 ! BETTER THAN THAT : "Demon of Asteborg" is even included in Recalbox 8.0 (demo version) ! Developed with passion by the French studio Neofid Studios, "Demons of Asteborg" is simply the biggest game ever developed on SEGA Mega Drive. It's around 15 Mega bytes, that is... 120 Mega bits. CRAZY ! Go to to buy the full game rom, 100% compatible, add it and play it with Recalbox 8.0 !

Thanks to Recalbox 8.0, discover "Demon of Asteborg", the new Megadrive hit!

Recalbox 8.0 and Argons cases !

When you love your Recalbox, you want the best for it. Serious design, well-thought-out ergonomics, premium materials, and exemplary heat dissipation, the Argon series are the best cases available today. With the native compatibility and manual ventilation adjustment provided by Recalbox 8.0, there's no excuse not to pamper your Raspberry Pi 4!

See you soon on Recalbox !

recalbox rgb dual

Fri Nov 12 2021

Recalbox 8.0-Electron BETA

Here we are, almost: the Recalbox team is proud to present, in its Beta version, the new version of Recalbox: Recalbox 8.0-Electron

Several months of work separate us from version 7.2.2, and the new features are numerous:

With native support for Raspberry Pi to Scart/Vga adaptors along with Recalbox's new CRT configurations, playing your favourite games on Televisions & Monitors becomes a reality. Plug your adaptor, switch on your TV and enjoy the same image quality as on the original hardware.

Regarding new boards, in addition to the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 support, the PiBoy DMG is now automatically detected: Just flash the SD and Recalbox configures everything.

PC owners can now enjoy Playstation 2 games. We're providing you with the very latest version of the PCSX2 emulator, with full support of CHD and a global compatibility of more than 98%, thanks to the hard work of PCSX2's developers.

Raspberry Pi4 owners are about to discover most of the treasures of the Saturn console. Not all games will run and not all games will run smoothly, but the auto-frameskip of Yabasanshiro is smart enough to let you enjoy games without slowdown. The emulator has support for CHD disk format, but it is not recommended as it may fail in several games. (wiki)

Fans will be pleased to know that not only have we added the Hatari standalone emulator (which has more options then the core), but also both emulators have a new & very easy model and bios management for ST, STE, MegaST/MegaSTE, TT and Falcon series. (wiki)

With Amiberry upgrading to 4.1.5, and the new awesome Uae4ARM core, playing Amiga games as well as CD32 and CDTV games has never been so easy (wiki)

Old Computers are still the Kings: several old computers have been added and we did our best to make them usable by everyone, adding our own options and extensions in emulators themselves. We're also proud to offer you in exclusivity, the Recalbox port of BeBeem, a BBC Micro series emulator which was very popular machine in the United Kingdom! Due to lack of time, the sound is not ported yet. But it will very soon.

What does it mean to install a beta?

Taking advantage of the latest news in advance requires a little contribution from you: we count on you to report any problems you may encounter.

To do so, go to the dedicated Recalbox forum page


To install Recalbox 8.0-Electron Beta 1, you have the choice:

  • the fresh install: go to the Download section of the site and download the image corresponding to your board
  • the update from 7.2.2: edit your recalbox.conf file and modify the updates.type key:

Key features :

  • Add CRT Televisions and CRT Monitors support (wiki)
  • Add Playstation 2 system on PC, emulated using the pcsx2 standalone emulator and the libretro-pcsx2 core (wiki)
  • Add Saturn system on Raspberry Pi4, using libretro core Yabasanshiro (wiki)
  • Add support for new Raspberry Pi Zero 2 board
  • Add a new Playstation standalone emulator: Duckstation(wiki)
  • Add Recalbox default overlays for all systems (wiki)

Keep in mind that some problems will be corrected before the final version, others will not, due to time constraints.

The complete list of new features:

New systems:

  • Add a new Atari standalone emulator: Hatari (Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon) (wiki)
  • Add a new ColecoVision libretro core: Gearcoleco (wiki)
  • Add BBC Micro system with Beebem emulator (wiki)
  • Add TI-99/4A system, emulated using the ti99sim standalone emulator (wiki)
  • Add Dragon 32/64 system and TRS-80 Color Computer, emulated using the XRoar standalone emulator (wiki)
  • Add LowRes NX virtual console (wiki)

New cores:

  • Add widescreen support on Megadrive, using genesisplusgxwide the genesis/megadrive widescreen core! (wiki)
  • Add Channel F system, emulated with libretro fbneo (wiki)
  • Add an Amiga core optimized for ARM boards (RPi, odroids): libretro uae4arm core (wiki)
  • Add Atari stella2014 core on RPI1/Zero and RPI2 as it is more performant than stella (wiki)
  • Add libretro Gong (Pong)


  • Add PiBoy DMG support
  • Add controlling of various RPI fan controllers


  • Add CHD support for Mega CD Games with Picodrive core (wiki)
  • Add gamelink support for gameboy (two players)
  • Add Xbox One wireless dongles support (xow userspace driver daemon from Medusalix)
  • Improve ergonomy in gamelists when "quick system select" is enabled
  • Add new Netplay's MITM servers: Montreal & SaoPaulo
  • Bump libretro MGBA (Gameboy Advance core)
  • Bump Libretro PX68K (Sharp x68000)
  • Bump Oricutron to latest version
  • Bump SimCoupé to v1.2.5
  • Bump Libretro Beetle PSX
  • Bump Libretro MAME2003 Plus
  • Bump Libretro-MAME2003 to include latest fixes
  • Bump Libretro VICE to include new options and latest fixes
  • Bump Amiberry to v4.1.5. Add CDTV support
  • Bump Retroarch to v1.9.8
  • Bump Hypseus to version 2.4.18 (DirtBagXon) to support Singe
  • Bump Fbneo v1.0.0.03
  • Bump Sharp X68000 core (px68k)
  • Bump Flycast
  • Bump ScummVM to 2.4.0
  • Improve responsiveness & eegonomy of Netplay window
  • Bump Kronos libretro core
  • Bump Mame 0.235
  • Bump pcsx_rearmed on Raspberry PI Zero and 1


  • Fix performance issues on RPi 1 and RPi Zero
  • Fix controllers behavior in WII & GC systems (dolphin)
  • Fix message "failed to set last used disc" for core libretro px68k
  • Fix laggy video playback on Odroid XU4 OGST
  • Fix message "failed to extract content from compressed" for core libretro xrick
  • Fix loads of bugs on pcsx_rearmed on Raspberry PI 0 and 1
  • Fix static WIFI IP configuration not working


  • Added Demons of Asteborg demo for Megadrive

And as the Recalbox documentation has also been revamped, finding the tutorials and info you're looking for has never been easier:

Have a good retro-game !

recalbox 8

Wed Nov 10 2021

The new Recalbox wiki is online!

The Recalbox documentation has been revamped!

After many months of work, the whole Recalbox team is proud to announce the release of the new WIKI recalbox !

You will find :

  • all the tutorials allowing you to use the full power of your Recalbox
  • the list of compatible systems by board
  • the advanced configuration of your Recalbox
  • the advanced configuration of each system
  • and much more...

Thanks to all of you who helped us to make this exhaustive documentation of the Recalbox project, either on this wiki project, or on any previous project.

And especially a big thank you to @Pit64 aka The Documentator for getting the project done 🙏

Happy reading!


Sun Nov 07 2021

Recalbox on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 !

Nice surprise, during this shortage period, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released the Raspberry Pi Zero 2.

Small but strong, it keeps exactly the same dimensions as its big brother the Raspberry Pi Zero.

It is therefore compatible with all your consoles or installations on which you use version 1 of the Raspberry Pi Zero!

In terms of performance, it greatly surpasses its big brother! The performance is comparable to that of the RPi3, which is impressive for a board at this price!

It will be a hit in our GPi Case or directly on our TVs, as shown by these various feedbacks on social networks:

And you know what? Recalbox is already compatible !

Go and download the latest version on the download page !


Q. Who is it for? What for?
A. Those with a small budget or those who want to ugrade their GPI case

Q. Is it compatible with the GPI Case?
A. Yes it is.

Q. Can I reuse my RPi zero SD with the RPi zero 2 in the GPI case?
A. No. You will have to install the lastest public beta or Recalbox next version.

Q. What kind of emulation can we expect?
A. On TV: Up to the PSX with no problem. For N64/DC it depends on the game. In GPI: Up to the PSX and the N64 with no problem. Ok on DC for most games.

Q. In terms of Arcade emulation?
A. FBNeo and MAME2003+ run fine. No need to get stuck on FBA any longer.

Q. Do problematic émulators run better on the RPi zero 2?
A. Sure, PSX, GBA, SNES and Arcade emulators run all fine.

Q. What about the heating in the GPI Case's cartridge?
A. After several hours playing Dreamcast games, the T° never went beyond 62°C, which is safe for plastics of either GPI Cases or regular RPi zero 2 cases.

Q. What about autonomy?
A. The Pi zero 2 will necessarily consume more power than the Pi zero, however we did our best to optimize power consumption according to the running emulator.

Q. Is there a standby mode like on the Odroid GO2?
A. No, this is not possible due to RPi and GPI limitations.

Q. WIFI and bluetooth are available?
A. Yes, both WIFI and Bluetooth are available.

Q. Given the size, are there any USB port available?
A. Yes, only one micro-USB is available. To extend it, use a powered hub with a micro-USB/USB adapter.

Q. Can we overclock the RPi zero 2?
A. People already do it. But we do not recommend it as the power consumption will rise quickly. In the GPI Case, this could lead to instabilities in addition to draining the batteries very quickly.

Q. Does the 512MB limit emulation?
A. No, except for the PSP which is not available on the RPi zero 2. However, it is not advisable to fill your SD with fuillsets and/or to activate all available systems.


Fri Nov 05 2021

Rediscover your favorite games with Hacks!

Hacks ?

We know each other, we won't hide it, we all have in our Recalbox a lot of games that we will never finish, and that we will maybe never launch... Why is that? Because we spend our time sanding down the games of our childhood, again and again.

What if I told you that I had the solution, to allow you to continue to sand your favorite games, but to rediscover them all the same?

Indeed, there is a great variety of HACKS, which are modifications of the code of an original game. Created by passionate amateurs, there are several types of hacks:

  • Translation hacks
  • Technical hacks
  • Graphics hacks
  • Music hacks
  • Level editing
  • Rom expansion

Several of these processes can be found in the same hack, for example:

  • FF7 Neo Midgar (translation) The complete retranslation Neo Midgar of Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation 1
  • The Final Fantasy VI restoration patch on GBA (Music, technical) which replaces the musics by those of the Snes and which removes the worries of framerate
  • The legend of Zelda Parallel (Graphics, Music, Levels, Expansion) complete hack of The legend of Zelda a link to the past on SNES
  • Metroid - Rogue Dawn (Graphics, Music, Levels, Expansion) a complete prequel to Metroid on NES of impressive quality!
  • The special category Kaizo Kaizo Super Mario World The Kaizo editions of the original games are completely insane difficulty challenges...

How does it work ?

It's quite simple: the hack is distributed as a binary patch (a simple file with a .ips extension) and must be applied on the original rom.

Once the rom is patched, you just have to launch the game on your favorite emulator... in Recalbox.

Where to find hacks ?

Several sites aim at gathering existing hacks:

  • contains an impressive list of hacks. The community is very active and the hack tests are numerous and can guide you in your selection.
  • is a French community of translators
  • is your friend. Try the search TMNT NES HACK for example, you might be surprised :)

How to patch my rom ?

There are several tools that allow you to patch a rom. The easiest and quickest is probably to use the online patching tool Upload your rom, your patch and download your new game.

Let's see what it looks like on The legend of Zelda Parallel Worlds ?

The The legend of Zelda Parallel Worlds is a very deep hack of The Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past on Super Nintendo.

The original hack was released in 2006 and its latest version is from 2017. The author has completely changed the storyline, even though we still recognize the general plot in the background. The world map is completely revised, the characters and music too, and the dungeons are MUCH more complicated. That's why the hack I'm going to talk about is a new version called Zelda3 Parallel Remodel which is a rewrite of the hack correcting the parts that are a bit too difficult.

In the beginning... You are a treasure hunter from a far away country, but very soon you hear about a plot led by Draegor, the king's assistant. He would have killed the king and kidnapped 7 people who had information about the Parallel Tower in common...

Your adventure starts the same night you go to rescue two of the seven people who would have survived this coup...

As I told you above, what is good with the hacks is that we find the pleasure of playing our favorite games but rediscovering them complement. It's a strange feeling, at least at the beginning, but the pleasure returns very quickly in the game. To leave the link house to find ourselves under the rain of Hyrule, it is enjoyable, nostalgic but new!

So we go on an adventure, and that's when we realize the work done: the enemies are numerous, the screens completely different, the dungeons are huge, the puzzles very advanced, and the difficulty is always there...

Anyway I'm in the hype, I finish writing this post and I go directly on my Recalbox to continue the game !

PS: a little bonus, the hack TMNT: Return to New York (NES) allows you to change turtle with the shortcut UP+START and adds many graphical elements, like a different color for each turtle!
